50 | E N G A G E D

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* I just want to apologize for the long wait. I've been saying I want to post for so long and finally the time has come. Thank you to whoever has stuck with me and again - I'm so sorry. I missed you!*


Being proposed to had never once been a thought in Rosa's head and in effect, nor a possibility before she'd met Noah. For many girls her age, they dreamed throughout the night of getting married to a person who loved them. Some imagined a celebrity crush. Others, their best friend. A few imagined a future with a crush from school on a high school sweetheart. If they were a bit adventurous, maybe even their boss or school professor.

But how often did they think about the man they truly could see themselves with? What qualities did they write down in their diaries only to look back on what they'd written? Would they laugh? Or scoff at the ridiculous expectations they'd once had?

If Rosalina-mae had given a man any thought at all just a few short years ago, her standards would have been set disappointingly low. She probably would have left out the things she hadn't known she'd needed. And they certainly would not have described Noah.

Her eyes flickered to her hand which was trapped firmly in Noah's strong hand and she bit the corners of her cheeks to keep from smiling too big once again. The apples of her cheeks were tinted a soft glow of red and they hurt just a bit which Noah had then proceeded to pepper kisses across her face. This was a pain she didn't mind one bit.

"Now.." Noah freed his hand from Rosa's and smacked a palm onto the roof of his car which made Rosa let out a soft laugh. "What should we do from here, hm?"

She bit the corner of her lip in thought and raised a hand up, smoothing the hair at the back of her head down as the wind blew past them, ignoring as the material of her cream dress lifted in a graceful flurry around her. "I don't wanna go home yet.. I want this night to last."

He hummed softly in response and grasped her face in both of his hands, the warmth of her cheeks warming the palms of his hands before leaning over and pressing a light kiss to her forehead. "And so we will make this night last. My girl will get whatever her heart desires tonight. And moving forward. You deserve it."

Rosa hesitated, a bit speechless by the nights events. Even though he had spoiled her many times before, this felt very different. Today genuinely felt like her day. Hers. She felt like the center of attention. The main character in a movie. The most important girl in the world.

And for once, without any reassurance or a firm nudge in the direction, Rosalina-mae felt completely and utterly deserving of everything she had and would have as the night progressed. A sense of relief washed over the her at the realization that she did indeed feel as if she deserved all of this good happening in her life.

And that impending doom feeling she used to get when things were going good for her no longer lingered in the back of her head nor did it sit like a heavy brick in her stomach. There was only the light flutter of sweet, romance induced butterflies that she would welcome with open arms. As long as Noah was the reason for them at least.

"Rosa.." Noah smiled softly down at her, noticing the dazed look in her eyes. Those beautiful eyes that looked up at him with such lovely admiration. A look he would never get tired of. It made him feel as if he could shape the stars from just a few grains of sand. "Please.. name anything. And for you I'll do it."

"I want something we can do together.." she pouted and Noah shook his head quickly before taking her hand and leading her around to the passengers side of the car.

He opened the door and gestured for her to get in. "What makes you think i would suggest anything that would give us a reason to be apart? You belong with me.." he muttered softly as he leaned in towards her, backing and cornering her against the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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