Keeping Away

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The next few days since my drunken night with Kuroo Daichi has been extra in keeping away from me. Of we had to pass each other in the hallway at school he would turn on his heel and storm the other way. He always had a permanent scowl on his face whenever I entered the class room or if he has to talk to me during practice. It was almost if he looked at me like I was small bug under his shoe.

It hurt, it a lot. To see my once best friend treating me as if I had the plague and could infect him at any moment. But I swallowed it down, letting it fester in my lower stomach. Because this is what he wanted, and I would give Daichi anything he ever wanted. I would give him the moon if he asked me for it. I would rob as many banks as I could if he wanted all the money in the city. But out of anything he could ever want, he chose to push me away

I've even slowly pulled away from Suga these last couple of days. He and Daichi worked out their little problem and are just as close as they were before I weaseled my way in between them. So today like the other days I gathered all of my stuff before the bell rang for lunch, when it did ring I snapped to my feet slinging my backpack over my shoulders and dashed out of the room ignoring the sad expression on Suga's face.

In the hallway I spotted Yui walking towards me, no doubt going to my classroom to eat with Daichi and Sugawara. I hugged the side of the wall to keep as much distance as I could between us avoiding her glare by looking straight ahead. "At least you know your place."

Her off handed insult caused me to stop in my tracks and whip around to face her, "You got a problem Yui?"

She turned to look at me, a look of innocence on her face, "Huh? What was that? I don't speak whore."

I threw my backpack off of my shoulder letting it fall to the floor, "You wanna run that by me again?"

Her eyebrow twitched as she smirked, "I sad, I don't speak whore."

I saw red as I stomped up into her face, "If you wanna get your ass kicked just say the word, because I can do it right here, right now."

"Hey hey hey! DAICHI!" Tanaka's voice rang down the hallway, his footsteps loud as he ran up behind me wrapping his arms around my arms and waist. Daichi and Suga came running out the classroom and to Yui's side. She had fake tears in her eyes as Daichi softly touched her arm. I growled thrashing around in Tanaka's arms.

"Oh Daichi!" Yui wailed holding onto his blazer, "She said she was going to beat me up if I didn't break up with you."

My jaw hit the floor, I stopped moving in Tanaka's arms. "WHAT?! YOU FUCKING LYING ASS BITCH!" I began to free myself but Tanaka yanked me away as I kicked and thrashed. "I DIDN'T SAY THAT YOU INSULTED ME! I SWEAR TO GOD-"

"Enough Y/N! I heard what she said, just stop it! It's not worth it." Tanaka growled in my ear, his arms holding me tighter. I looked over to see Daichi holding Yui tightly to his chest, rubbing her back. Sugawara watched me as tears prickled my eyes, I shook my head at him, biting my lip begging him to believe me, a soft nod from him had me relaxing against Tanaka's chest.

"There you go, just take it easy tiger. Take all that anger out during practice." Tanaka lead me to the stairs leading to outside and sat me down on the sidewalk steps, "I'm gonna go get your backpack, stay here and don't move." Tanaka walked off back inside the building leaving me to sit alone. My hands were shaking, my heart beat hard in my chest. I was so angry I couldn't think straight, from Yui's insults, to her lying to Daichi and clinging to him.

I sighed and stood up dusting off my uniform skirt and walked to the vending machine. I dug in my skirt pockets only to realize my money is in my backpack. Groaning, I kicked the machine hard before hitting my forehead against it leaning on it. I didn't want to go back to class, I didn't want to face Daichi, or Sugawara or run into Yui in the hall. If I did see her, I'm not sure what I would do. My chest began hurt, the pain squeezing my heart so tight I clutched at my white button down. Fresh tears stung my eyes as I balled up my hand into a fist, its times like these where I wish I had a mom to talk to about boys with. Or I wish that Kai could talk...but they've been keeping him asleep now. He's too weak to do anything but lay there so they make him as comfortable as they can.

The doors to the school open, shoes hitting the steps loudly as they came down and got louder as they walked up to me and stopped. "Got your bag for you." Tanaka said. I didn't want h to see my tears, I didn't want him to think I was weak. But I want comfort, I want someone to hold me and tell me it's okay to feel the way I do. Hanging my head low I turned to him shoving my face into his chest, my hands gripping at the back of his school blazer tightly as my body shook.

"Whoa-hey, what's up?" His voice is soft and low. Dropping my backpack he wrapped his arms around me, a hand craddling the back of my head shushing me as I finally released the sob I was holding back, Tanaka held me closer as I cried into his chest. My tears were staining his blazer, "I h-hate him!" I hiccuped, "I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!" I chanted, hands tightening on Tanaka's back. Tanaka swayed us from side to side, the pain in my chest only got worse the more I cried, and I cried more thinking about how Daichi and Yui look together, how cute they look side by side.

I felt Tanaka place his cheek on the side of my head, "Hey, let's go get changed and practice some spikes. You need a distraction and the gym is a place where we can talk." I nodded my head letting go of him and scooped up my backpack.

Me and Tanaka practiced a few spikes before he finally spoke up. "Ya know," he began holding a volleyball in his large hands. "I kinda know how you feel Y/N."

Picking up a stray ball I looked up at him confused, "Huh? Really?"

He looked down at the ball in his own hands, "Yeah, well like I said kinda." He took a deep breath, "I've always had feelings for Kiyoko but she just ignores me all the time. Like I'm not even there." His eyes held hurt and rejection at his confession for Kiyoko, and he was right, we are kinda in the same boat.

"Tanaka...I had no idea, I just thought it was a little crush or something." He shook his head slightly scrunching up his eyebrows, "No, it's full blown love for her. Since my first year of I'm being honest." My heart hurt for him, it really did. At least I had some time to speak with Daichi as we grew up and a little up until about two months ago. I couldn't imagine being in Tanaka's shoes. Loving someone who just ignores you all the time, like you barely even exist.

Loving someone...Hm..maybe-

Shaking my head I walked back to Tanaka putting the ball in the basket. "Enough sappy talk, let's kill some volleyballs to get out our frustrations." I said slapping him on the back, he laughed tossing the volleyball to me, "Sounds like a plan."

Me and Tanaka spiked balls the rest of the school day, practice was going to start soon so Tanaka tossed me one last spike. I jumped up spiking the ball as the gym doors slid open, landing on my feet I looked over to see Daichi standing there, a look of surprise on his face to find me and Tanaka in here. "Hey Cap!" Tanaka called holding up his hand in a wave. Daichi nodded his head and looked to me, "Nice spike." Shrugging my shoulders I walked under the net to fetch the stray balls on the other side.

Only me, Tanaka, and Daichi were in the gym, the awkward silence swallowing me whole as none of us spoke. Quick footsteps sounded outside the doors before they were slammed open, "Y/N!" Mr. Takada yelled when he laid eyes on me.

"Yes sir?" I ask confused at the look on his face, he was panting hard, hands on his knees, "Your-your Zak called. He-he- said K-" before he could even finished his sentence I was running ou of the doors in my gym shoes. I wasn't sure my heart was even beating at this point.  My legs worked on auto pilot. I ran past Sugawara and Kageyama, slamming through them and kept on running.

"Y/N?!? What's wrong?!" Kageyama yelled behind me, "DAICHI!" Sugawara yelled right after.

A million thoughts ran through my head, why did Takada run to the gym? What was with that look on his face? Why did Zak call the school? Is Kai okay? All I know is, my legs carried me all the way to the nearest train station and on a train to Tokyo. No bag, no phone, no nothing. Just me, my racing Nerves, bouncing leg and a million thoughts.

Secret Crow {Various Haikyuu x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin