🍋🍋Kuroo Tetsurou 🍋🍋

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I'm not sure how long I have been laying in the grass crying my eyes out. But I had stopped crying at some point, my throat hurt, my eyes burned face sticky from my tears and snot as I sobbed.

The familiar sound of a motorcycle coming down the road got louder and louder until It abruptly stopped.

"Y/N?" Kuroo called jogging my way, I stood up hugging myself tightly. The look of worry evident on his face as he full on ran to me now. He was still in his gym clothes, no doubt he just left practice to come to me.

"Kuroo..!" Another sob left my throat as I ran towards him slamming our bodies together as I hugged him around his waist burying my face in his chest. He quickly wrapped his arms around me holding onto the back of my head, his face in my hair near my ear.

"Hey, hey, It's okay, I'm here Kitten. I'm here." His voice was soft and slow. The smell of his sweat and deodorant invaded my nostrils as I took a deep breath.


Kuroo shushed me quickly to calm me down, "It's okay, take your time. Breath slowly for me, okay? Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that." He pushed my head closer to his chest, his heartbeat thumping at a steady pace in my ear. Oddly, it was comforting. The steadiness of the beats calming me enough to where I stopped crying again.

"There we go, now that you've calmed down. Tell me what's wrong?"

"Daichi choose her. He told me...that we couldn't be friends anymore because she said so."

"What? That's fucking stupid-"

"That's not all, he's also doing it so...he can have sex with her."

His grip on me tightened, his hands begun to shook. "I...I also told him about me and Suga."

"Good. Fuck him. I can't believe Daichi would- he's so fucking dead."

I lifted my head to looked up at Kuroo's face, anger masking his handsome features. "Can you please take me home?"

He sighed kissing the side of my head, "Of course, come on." He lead me to his bike helping me on it and roared it to life before speeding down the road, unfortunately we had to pass the school in order to get to my house, the guys should be getting out of practice right about now. We are bound to pass them and that thought makes me want to vomit.

As Kuroo drove down the road I spotted the familiar black track suits, though, there were only two and one I could tell was Daichi. My hold on Kuroo tightened, I buried my face in his back holding back more tears that threatened to spill onto my cheeks.

Kuroo held onto the side of my thigh, his thumb rubbing the bare flesh. His sign of comforting me, he let go of my thigh and flipped off Daichi as we sped by him and whoever was with him and held onto my thigh again. I whipped my head around to see that they had stopped walking, the other person was Tanaka who held onto Daichi's sleeve.

Kuroo pulled into my driveway, parking the bike and hoping off before helping me. My school bag and shoes were sitting by my front door, it was probably Suga who came by and left it. Digging through my back o pulled out my keys and unlocked the door stepping in Kuroo in tow with my shoes and bag.

I lead him to my room where I flopped down on my bed face down in my pillow. I heard Kuroo sigh and shuffle around my room before the bed dipped under his weight at my side. His hand began to play with my hair, "Do you mind if a take a quick shower? I'm sweaty and gross, then when I'm done I'll order us some take out and we can chill and watch movies?"

I turned my head to peek at him slowly nodding my head. He gave me a smile and kissed the side of my head, "Cool, I'll be back in a few minutes. Change your clothes and get comfy, okay?"

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