Lunch Break

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Me and Daichi met up with my siblings for our lunch. Zak  help up a bag and drinks from McDonald's and I squealed running up to him.

"Thank you Zak!" Snatching the bag from his hands I sat down in the grass with Daichi pulling out two 20 piece nuggets and fries. I handed Daichi his share and began to eat, my siblings sitting around us.

"That was one hell of a serve Tiny!" Zak gushed showing me the video he took on his phone. I smiled as I swallowed the food on my mouth, "It stung my hand, like a lot. But it was worth it. I should have saved that serve for Date Tech though." Diachi patted my back grinning as he chewed his food.

"Nah, you can do it again. I know you can." Shiko said with a snarky look on her face, "Me and Kai taught you well, so we know you can do it."

"Speaking of Kai-"

Gak looked up from his phone, "I video chatted him so he could watch you in real time, but he got tired and is resting." I chewed on my bottom lip my mood shifting to my ailing sibling.

Shiko smacked her twin upside his head glaring at him, "The hell was that for Shi?!" He grumbled rubbing where she hit. "For being a dumbass, per usual." She turned to me grinning, "He said he is very proud of you and you're doing amazing. How he wishes he could be here to watch you in person." Zak nudged her elbow trying to be discreet but it didn't go unnoticed by me. I eyed them suspiciously before Daichi spoke up,

"How's he doing by the way? I haven't talked to any of you in a while, though, Y/N keeps me updated when she remembers." He dipped a nugget in ranch taking a bite as Zak sighed,

"He's doing okay. About as good as you expect with someone in his position." Zak fiddled with a lose thread on his ripped jeans, "He's on a new medication, it seems to be helping him. Doctors say it might take a few months before any progress can be made. But we are all hoping for the best."

Daichi nodded his giving Zak his full undivided attention. "I pray it works. I really do." Daichi reached over patting my knee, his fingertips lingered for only a second dismissed by my siblings but not by me, a smile ghosted across my lips are his small gesture.

"Oh! After today, no matter the outcome I'm coming to visit him, but don't tell him. I want to surprise him again." I put another nugget in my mouth as my siblings all grinned at me, "He'd love that squirt." Gak said ruffling my hair making me groan in annoyance.

I jerked my head away, "Can you not?" I asked through the food in my mouth. Gak laughed sitting back on his hands, "So when are you two gonna start dating already?"

Me and Daichi both began to choke on our food, my siblings giving us a confused look as we gulped down our drinks and caught our breath. "Never." I said as a matter of fact. "I don't fall in love or date." I pointed out side eyeing Daichi's reaction, he seemed unbothered by Gak's question and my response.

"Besides, I already have a girlfriend. Her name's Yui."

My fingers twitched around my cup at the sound of her name. Gripping the cup tighter in my hand as I gulped it down through the straw. Me and Zak made eye contact, his eyes squinting just a hair at my reaction. I softly shook my head at him to keep shut about it.

"Is she here?"

"Uh..yeah somewhere. She had a game too. Speaking of that-" Daichi stood up bowing at my siblings, "Thank you for the food but I need to go find her. Excuse me." He turned to me, "See you in an hour yeah?"

I nodded my head waving bye to him as he jogged away to the doors of the building. "The hell was that?!" Zak yelled kicking my foot with his.


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