The Night Before

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The bus pulled up to the building that we would be staying in, it was already dark as the drive took hours, my back was killing me and I was ready to stretch out my limbs. Everyone stood up groaning at their sore bodies, I slung my bag over my shoulder and went to step out of my seat only to bump into Daichi. He held onto my shoulders to make sure I didn't fall, he gave me a small smile that I didn't return and pulled myself from his grasp and walked off the bus gathering around with the others collecting my other bags from under the bus.

Hinata was the first one in the building, "Wow! So this is training camp?!" He ran around opening up every door that he could gasping in amazement.

"Is it really all that exciting?" Kageyama asked I'm his bored voice, Hinata whipped around at him, "Of course it is! I've never been to a training camp!"

Tsukishima walked up to us his hands in his pockets, "it's just a bunch of loud mouth gross guys in your face all day everyday. What's so fun about that?"

Tanaka rushed in holding his fist out, "You take that back right now!"

Noya rushed in next, "Yeah! Any place within a quarter mile radius of our gorgeous Y/N is automatic pure and beautiful!" Noya and Tanaka stuck their tongues out at him making me laugh and blush all at the same time. The rest of the team gathered up around us sighing at Tanaka and Noya's antics.

I walked off to put my bags down in the room where we will be sleeping. I looked around the empty room and the cubby's that had the futons inside, I didn't give it much thought on where I was going to sleep, who I was going to sleep beside. I didn't want it to be Daichi...UGH!

Stop thinking about him!

I walked out of the room and into the dinning area where everyone was sitting down to eat dinner, I sat next to Kiyoko and Ennoshita, in front of Sugawara, we all pressed our hands together and said in unison, "Thanks for the food!" And began to eat. All the boys began wolfing down their food as I picked around at mine. I wasn't really hungry at the moment, I ate too many M&M's on the bus but to keep Kyoko and Mr. Takeda from feeling bad I choked it down anyways.

"You feeling okay Y/N? Don't force yourself to eat if you don't want to." I quickly waved my hands in defense at Kiyoko, "No no! I'm fine, I mean I did eat a lot of candy on the bus..." I hung my head low, "Please don't be upset! It's really good, I swear!" Kiyoko waved me off with a giggle, "No it's okay, I'm just making sure you're okay. I know this all seems scary."

I picked my head up pushing some hair behind my ear, "Yeah I'm fine." I gave her smile and stood up from my seat taking my dishes with me to scrap the left over food. I left my dishes by the sink and walked out of the dining room and to the sleeping room to dig through my bag to gather some clothes and a towel for a shower. All the boys soon filed in and we began to set up the futons.

"Hey Sugawara, Asahi, is it okay if I sleep between you guys?" I pursed my lips and tried to hide the blush that was on my cheeks. They looked at each other and then back to me, "Sure! We don't mind." Suga rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Hey! No fair! I wanted to sleep next to Y/N!" Noya cried from the other side of the room, "M-me too!" Hinata raised his hand in the air a deep red covering his cheeks. I giggled nervously and scratched the side of my cheek, "Uh...maybe next time guys." Their eyes lit up as they high fived each other.

I turned back to set up my futon with Suga, "Not that I mind or anything Y/N, but normally you'd be next to Daichi. Did something happen?" Suga kept his voice low as Daichi was close to us digging through his bag pulling out clothes.

I stopped fluffing my pillow and stared at it, "Nothing for you to worry about Suga. Everything is okay." I smiled at him and stood up looking around, wanting to ask the question I was too scared to ask.

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