The First Match

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"Oikawa..." I breathed as our eyes stayed connected to each other. It's been two years since I last saw him, and even now the butterflies in my stomach are flipping and doing tricks. I had to hold back another gag as Oikawa looked behind me at the vomit splattered all over the ground.

"First match jitters? You always were one to get a little queasy before a game." He let out a small chuckle, was that an insult? How was I supposed to take that, especially from him?

I let out a nervous chuckle rubbing my upper arm feeling my face heat up. "Eh not exactly...umm..hmm.." I took my bangs down from it's small pony tail to hide my blushing cheeks.

Oikawa raised an eyebrow at my demeanor, "Then what's wrong?" A hand grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me back, "Let's go Y/N, we need to get inside." Sugawara said pulling me to him and began to lead me and Kiyoko away from the other three males standing there.

"Wait! My bag- I forgot my bag!" I freed my wrist from Suga's grasp and hurried back to where I dropped my bag, Oikawa was standing there holding it in his hands smiling, "I'll take it to her." Kuroo said holding his hand out. Oikawa smirked giving Kuroo and Bokuto a shit eating grin, "No. I'll give it to her. I want to talk to her anyways."

I stopped walking and watched the guys closely. Kuroo was tense, it was written all over his face as he snarled at Oikawa,. Bokuto had a look of he couldn't care any less about Oikawa being there. I could even feel the tension between Oikawa and Kuroo so I decided to step in. I hurried over to them stepping in front of Kuroo and Bokuto, "Thanks. I was coming back to get my bag." I reached for it only for Oikawa to place it over my shoulder and adjust the strap across my chest. "It's no problem at all. I didn't want anyone stealing it, I was actually going to go find you later. I want to talk before the tournament begins."

I gulped loudly as Oikawa put his hand on my lower back and gently pushed me forward away from a snarling Kuroo and an annoyed Bokuto. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as my fingers clenched around the strap of my bag. I kept my eyes down casted to the ground watching our feet as we walked.

"It's been a while hasn't it Y/N?" He asked stopping and leaning against a fence. "Yeah, two years." I need to get a grip, it's just Oikawa Tooru, he's nothing special, nothing important. Just an ex boyfriend.

And insanely good looking, and amazing at volleyball...

Shut up me!

I shifted my eyes to see Oikawa smiling at me, "Arguing with yourself again?" I groaned cutting my eyes to the left and bit the inside of my cheek. He knows me too damn well, he knows all of my weakness and quirks. He can read me like a book, one that he's read a thousand times front to back, back to front.

"Maybe. Whatever, anyways what do you want Oikawa? I have a match starting soon and I need to get in there."

"Settle down Tiger." He chuckled, "I just wanted to catch up, after our break up you did everything you could to avoid me." Oikawa put his hands in his pockets pursing his lips. He actually looked kind of upset that I avoided him like the plague. "Well why would I want to see or talk to you after what happened?"

He flinched slightly remember what he said to me back when we were 1st years.

"You shaved...your head?" Oikawa had a small look of disgust on his face. "Yeah, my brother lost all his hair because chemo and we L/N's take pride in our white hair, so I didn't want him to feel upset about losing it. What's the problem? It's just hair."

"Just hair! You look like a boy! Your hair was beautiful, it was prefect, and your trashed it!"

"For my sick brother! Ya know, you are being a huge asshole right now."

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