You Can Let Go Now...

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I stood in front of the pure glass walls that surrounded Kai's hospital room, staring at him laying in his hospital bed, barley able to move or even speak. My other siblings crowded around him. Kai hasn't noticed me, and if he had he hasn't shown it. I was terrified to walk into that room, because I knew as soon as I did, then I would have to accept the fact that Kai was actually going to die. I'm not sure how to process any of this, how does one greet a dying person? How do you talk to them, joke and play around with someone who knows they are dying?

Me and Zak made eye contact and he jerked his head back signaling me to walk in already. I sighed wrapping my fingers around the door handle and turned it walking inside. All my siblings stated at me as I closed the door behind me, Kai was slower at moving his head in my direction but when his eyes landed on my face his bright smile crossed his face, it was a weak smile, but it melted my heart none the less. Shiko pulled the curtains closed around the rooms glass walls to give us all privacy.

I walked to Kai's bedside and took his hand in my own. He was pale and cold, his breathing is very labored and seemed to pain him everytime he tried to breathe, the mask on his face tightly secured. He had dark circles under his eyes, his eyes themselves looked so tried and ready to close at any given moment.

I tucked in my quivering bottom lip and forced a smile on my face, "Hey Bubba

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I tucked in my quivering bottom lip and forced a smile on my face, "Hey Bubba." My voice betrayed the smile I forced. It trembled as I took in a deep gulp of air, suddenly I was painfully aware that I take breathing for granted. I would give anything for Kai to be able to breathe without that damn mask on his face. For his lungs to be clean and pure and not riddled with this horrid disease.

He weakly squeezed my hand before looking at Zak, no words were minced between the two but Zak knew exactly what Kai wanted just by the look in his eyes. "Let's step outside, we all had our time with him. Let Y/N have hers." All my siblings stood up touching Kai's leg before stepping out. Zak was the last at the door turning to look at me, I've never seen Zak show any form of sadness, but now his strong demeanor crumbled as he let two small tears slip.down his cheeks before closing the door.

Kai squeezed my hand again turning my attention to him. "Huh?" With his other hand he weakly pointed to the spot beside him on his bed. I gently shifted him to lay on his side giving myself some room to lie down, being mindful of all the wires and tubes that were connected to him. I tucked my arm under his head and cuddled him into my side, his head rested on my shoulder lazily laying an arm across my torso. I played with his hair with the arm he was laying on and used my free arm to hug him.

We laid cuddled together in silence. I didn't know what to say and Kai couldn't really talk anymore. All I could hear was the sounds of his breathing machine, and the weak beeping of his heart monitor. I tried to count his breaths, to try and breathe like him but I ended up breathless and panting, and then reality struck me...

"I know you want to hear good news, and I have some so I'll start with that." I laid my cheek flat against the top of his head, the smell of hospital grade antiseptic and Axe shampoo filled my nose. "If I pass all of my exams, I'll get to go to Tokyo for Volleyball training camp with some of the best Power House schools in all the prefecture." Kai softly patted my back as a way of saying congratulations. "Uh I kicked ass at Karaoke, and kinda sorta want to fix my friendship with Oikawa even though you told me not to." A small pinch made me let out a laugh, "I know I know. Boys are bad news blah blah blah." I sighed sadly as I prepared to tell Kai the worse news I had to offer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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