XXVI: Three Syllables

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Mama came clean to me over time, "they told me every detail of what they would've done to every one of us if I didn't give up Kadeem's location."

She slowly and achingly described every syllable of what that psychotic freak 'Sir K' had tortured her mind with. From seeing Saul's chest completely stripped bare of skin, to her being left for last and forced to watch each of us suffer.

Mama refused even so, and that was why she was so shocked to see them that night, "you all came, saved me, and now we're together again."

She turned to Saul and caressed his cheek with a loving smile, "I'm so proud of all of you."

None of had truly been able to comprehend how she was even as responsive as our mother currently was. Even through those visions running through her mind and replaying prayers for us to save her.. it enraged and frightened us all to say the least.

Dad obviously didn't like the sound of this, nor her not being able to sleep properly. It was lunchtime when he returned to the flat after kissing his wife goodbye and demanding that she never be alone.

He ushered in a frightened man, holding a gun to his back as he pushed him to sit in a chair across from his wife, "h-he said you needed.. help?"

Mama sighed and apologized for her husband's actions before ushering the therapist into a more private space. Her office was the exact opposite of dad's; there were plush items for comfort, humidifiers and essential oils, as well as a still well kept sensory corner Saul and I used to flock to when we became overwhelmed. It also smelled like heaven 24/7, so that's a complete bonus. Dad, on the other hand, was surrounded in black and white in his office as he needed order to focus. He never understood how mama could work with pale blue walls and cream trims.. but he'd made it up for her anyway. There was no doubt in my mind that the poor frightened man's reservations would melt away the longer he stayed in her office.

After a few minutes, she left the therapist in the room and entered the kitchen. After fixing the quivering man a plate of cookies and milk, she turned to dad, "you can't fix everything with intimidation, honey."

Dad was obviously confused by this, "did he say something to you—"

Saul and I laughed at his response, if that's not dad then I don't know what is.

Mama laughed lowly as well and gave him a quick kiss, patted his chest, and spoke as she made her way back into the room, "this isn't over, Zion."

For the next three months, she spent an hour with the man trying to overcome her fears and night terrors that resulted from that terrible night. Dad made sure he had men surveying the therapist, Elijah being taken from Saul's protection and put onto that team instead.

Hakeem offered his assistance as well, and he was sent back to the house to overlook the training.

Our goodbye was quick and we promised to keep in touch, but contact between Hakeem and I dwindled into nothing quickly; "what kind of relationship is this?"

When I returned to college, I was once again focusing on my schoolwork instead of any 'relationship' woes.

Saul grilled me on what I planned to do get back with Hakeem, but my mind was blank every time.

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