XX: Set it Off

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All hell broke loose.

It had been another quiet month, Hakeem and I beginning our relationship. The house was dark and peaceful at four in the morning, until a masked group bursted through both the front and back doors.

Bullets flew downstairs upon the air wiling trainees and Brothers being alarmed immediately. Hakeem produced bullet proofed vests from beneath my bed, "It's in my training to be ready for anything."

He dressed me accordingly first, before counting rounds and leading me quietly. He opened the bedroom door and made sure the others were open as well.

We all received a nod from dad, who was already standing at the locked hall door, "keep my family safe."

As he rushed down the staircase, mama shouted after him, "you promised, Zion!"

I consoled my mother but dragged her along as well, knowing that we had to keep moving. Downstairs was absolute hell, the two guards taking the lead, then Saul, me and mom on the tail. Shots were fired in every direction, and bodies dropped in just as many.

Shouts and screams were heard as they seemed to overlap at a never-ending speed, but other trainees assisted our family in exiting the home. I realized that one shouting voice was suddenly Hakeem's and helped him exit as well without question.

Once in the SUV, I stripped the vest and clothing in search his body for the wound, "let me see, let me see."

I located a bullet lodged in his shoulder, just like Saul. I began crying at the sheer irony of it all but Hakeem assured me that he was fine, "just get me to a hospital Princess, alright? Everything's gonna be fine, okay?"

I nodded as Saul climbed into the driver's seat, Elijah an armed passenger. As my twin started the car, a figure ran towards it.

Mom belted out a scream for Elijah to stop shooting, "that's my husband!"

She opened the door and dad smiled at her; "hey, ma."

She sobbed and he ushered her into the middle seat, helping move Hakeem and I to the back row for easy removal once at the hospital. Dad held mama in his lap as they rode, consoling her. Hakeem made sure I kept steady pressure on the wound, reassuring me whenever I pressed too hard and harmed him. This usually meant bringing me down into a slow kiss and saying a low; "all better" to make me smile, but the momentary distraction didn't soothe my worry.

Once they had finally arrived, I was forced to stiffly release him to the hospital staff.

I sat shaking in the waiting room, his blood on my hands only figuratively after mama told me to wash them, "I finally found a guy that actually wants to commit to me, and I get him shot."

Mama consoled me, though remained plastered to dad's side all the while, "it's only the shoulder, it could've been much worse. Your father almost got shot in the heart once upon a time."

This caught my attention and I gasped, "how'd you survive?"

Dad winked to mom before turning to Saul and I, "I'm just one lucky son of a bitch."

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