XIX: Make or Break

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Although relieved that my older brother was safe, I still clutched onto Hakeem in fear that the worst was yet to come, " I can't lose my brother, I can't." I refused to be comforted by dad, so he allowed Hakeem to take me to bed. Dad wasn't very happy when Hakeem hadn't left before he went to bed, but retreated when mama said they both needed rest.

Inside the room, Hakeem had shed his clothes and slid behind me for comfort. He initially spooked me, wrapping an arm around me and holding my hand as he muttered soothing statements into the nape of my neck, lulling my exhausted body to sleep.

I was nearly asleep when I woke suddenly, fighting dropping eyelids; "what about you?"

"I'll be fine," he assured me simply.

I tried to argue, but was too emotionally exhausted to get anywhere far before my eyelids dropped shut. The next morning, I knew Hakeem hadn't slept very much, but the man simply left me in the bedroom without any explanation nor a simple goodbye.

At first, I blamed it on the sleep he'd lost the night before, but then our relationship took another step back. He avoided me for three days, though his appearance only worsened. I finally caught him, my own sleep pattern gone to shit by then as well due to worry, in the kitchen making coffee late at night.

I refused to be let down again and instead silently nursed my fresh mug of coffee before leaving the kitchen— only for him to catch me; "you haven't been sleeping."

I shook my head, "neither have you."

Hakeem scoffs, "this is normal for me, why aren't you sleeping?"

I looked basically anywhere but him, "I'm not comfortable sleeping alone anymore."

"Honestly.. I'm not either," he revealed, and we agreed to sleep beside one another for one more night. One night eventually turned to three weeks, most of which were subject to escalating rounds of sex we both enjoyed; to me it seemed to get better every time, but I was afraid to truly invest in my hopes for the relationship. Even so, I found myself invested though slightly; I would bring in new water bottles for him to take his pills with. This gave him no excuse to 'forget' to take them in favor of watching me until I myself was out like a light & it was then too late fir him to take them back anyway. I set his few extra items of clothing out of immediate sight in case dad popped in randomly. I even snuck up the pillows from his bed because did noticed how uncomfortable my own were for him.

Dad began to notice how close that we had become anyway, but was rather satisfied when I revealed Hakeem and I were not officially dating.

This reminded me that I'd jumped into another relationship with no true label, causing me to become standoffish towards Hakeem. The man then began noticing the changes in me; I chose anyone but him for sparring, refused to cuddle at night, and avoided him at all costs unless both of us being present was absolutely necessary.

My family left the house to pack new sets of clothing for the night and I ended up revealing my inner conflict to my father once again, "guys seem to think that I'm only good for one thing, just like you always said. No matter how many times I try, it's just usual now for me to be reduced to another body again."

This enraged my dad, who all but pummeled Hakeem when he met our family at the entryway of the house. Seeing the man bleeding amongst the romantic setup he'd created upon my entering, I rushed to shove my father off of him.

When he wouldn't budge, I punched dad back to reality and stood between him and Hakeem, "don't ever touch him again."

I assisted Hakeem in retreating to my room, revealing a proposal spelled in roses, "I'm sorry my dad did this to you."

Both Saul and Elijah joined us with a first aid kit, and my twin revealed that they'd all overheard the reason behind Hakeem's beating as dad had so muttered in anger.

Hakeem furrowed his brow; "I thought you only wanted something casual? I set this whole thing up to try and change your mind."

"I thought casual was what you wanted," I retorted.

Saul left us to reconcile with Elijah on his heels after aiding Hakeem, and the first thing we do is laugh at ourselves.

"I definitely want to date you," I assure him. Hakeem scoffed before the two of us kissed.

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