XXV: Crossing Bloody Paths

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Saul leads Elijah and I to a pair of thick white double doors, where the blood splatter ends in a large puddle.. void of a corpse. Doors slam open to our left, five shadows stroll towards the chair mama is buckled to— like she's.. bait.

The spotlight mom is placed under reveals the faces of the five shadows. The first is obviously a crazed man, "is that Crimson?"

"No, that's Sir K."

Sir K had taken a page from Crimson & Red's look alike, sporting a jagged scar across his face. The man is smiling with wide psychotic eyes as the three other men and one woman stare at him in fury; "where the hell is Inaya? Stop playing games!"

Before I can ask who Inaya may be, doors across from our trio slam open as well, revealing Hakeem and dad.

"Here she is," dad stated while throwing a young woman to the floor with fury before pointing to mama, "now give me my wife, you sick fuck."

"You might want to think twice before you take her home, though," Kadeem spoke, coming from the shadows from behind the five unknown people. The man closest to my brother, holding the only unnamed woman, took a device from him and paused before allowing the loud audio to play for all to hear.

A woman's voice, probably belonging to a now bound 'Inaya', arose, "just do whatever you have to in order to get this product back! I didn't come back to this shithole to go broke!"

A man responded, sounding like the 'Sir K' I'd just been introduced to, "Then maybe you should be bait for loverboy! You've played with him for this long, why not get some more cash out of it?"

The woman paused before laughing, "send a video of me shedding some crocodile tears like that pathetic bitch you had before. He'll come looking for me when I don't come home."

The man hummed, "how are you so sure?"

Inaya huffed, "his new world has made him soft.. pathetic bastard"— and the audio ended.

Of course he wasn't going to touch the chair, there was no telling if it was electrified or not— Saul rushed in, firing his weapon once and sending Sir K to the floor with a groan. All eyes flew to their doors as Elijah didn't hesitate to follow with me in tow.

Saul put his knee into the chest of the other man while aiming straight for his forehead, "where is Crimson?". Sir K chuckled like the lunatic he was before sighing, "I am Crimson, you fool."

Saul scoffed before shooting the man in the arm, making him writhe as my twin searched him.

"Saul, what are you—"

Saul turned to Elijah and smiled, wagging a remote in his hand, "just like the games, huh?"

Elijah scoffed with a small smile before yanking my twin off of the now immobilized man by his outstretched arm.

Elijah disabled the chair and dad rushed to his now crying wife, "I got you, ma, come on."

While dad reclaimed mama who cuddled into his arms, Hakeem dragged the bound Inaya towards the others, "up for a trade?"

The man still holding the woman close to his side, who I now recognized as Big Z, smirked.

Oh hell.

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