XIV: Learning Companionship

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Saul and I are called away from the university once again, this time to ride with our parents to the old, now mostly memorialized Kingsley Cove. We knew that dad's previous training grounds were located somewhere near the old house, and we were told we needed more background to his new concerns for our family as a whole.

Once at the house, we're guided down into the new basement where a state of the art training facility and weapon hall is hidden. The entire idea didn't even seem real to me. Elijah and Hakeem both drove separate vehicles, Hakeem leading and Elijah following behind our family's armored SUV.

When we learned that dad packed us all a bag and that we were going to be staying the night in the house, Saul and I were furious.

The hall and bedroom doors of the house in the corner were still locked, opened by the keys dad had placed on our necklaces years ago.

This earns a look from mama, "how long have you been planning this?" We all knew he'd done so long ago just by the silence she received in response.

While Saul and I were stuffing pre-packed belongings into our new closets, dad yelled that we were meeting down in the kitchen when finished. While I was finishing up my room to the best of my now limited ability, two soft knocks sounded on the new bedroom door. Thinking it may be dad, checking in again after the "break up" he undoubtedly heard from outside the general studies classroom, I turned around with a false smile. My respectfully upbeat expression turned sour at the sight of a duffle bag yielding Hakeem; "didn't I tell you to fuck off already?" Hakeem nods but shuffles in anyway, alarming me, "what the hell do you think you're—"

"I just packed some things I know you like," he said lowly, "quit yelling before your dad finds out we're in here together."

Now curious, I eyed the bag with suspicion, "five minutes."

He allows himself a half smile, "that's all I need."

I watched, first from afar, as he began removing familiar items from the large bag— "did you take stuff from my dorm room?"

I then approached him but my tone doesn't deter him, "I got Ebony to round up some of your belongings; she wouldn't let me in while you were gone."

I eyed him with disdain, "rightfully so."

Hakeem continued anyway, shaking his head in amusement at my sass. When everything was finally laid out, the duffle bag was empty and he stepped back from my bed to let me look over everything he'd packed.

"She eventually had to let me in anyway, and I got what I could before she got pissed and kicked me out again."

I smirked at this, the scenario matching my cousin to the tee.

He'd packed my five favorite sweatpants, favorite shoes and socks as well, my backpack full of textbooks as promised, laptop, device chargers, and more.

I couldn't believe everything he'd brought was actually there, "why?"

Hakeem furrowed his brow when I turned to him with furious expectation, "why what?"

I was a bitch to him and he.. "Why would you do all of this for me? I.. I don't understand—"

"There are people outside of your family that are willing to do things for you just because they want to make you happy, Kayla."

My eyes widened, as I'd never experienced anything he'd just said. Growing up, I was taught to keep everyone outside of family at arm's length in case they turned out to be disguised enemies. Now I was supposed to suddenly learn companionship?

Hakeem hesitantly approached me, eventually resting his hands on my shoulders tensely. He relaxed after I did, "I want to do things for you, just to make you happy, Kayla. I know you're scared and confused.. and pissed at me for keeping my involvement with the Brothers a secret.. but that doesn't change how I feel about you."

I felt myself begin to tear up, and nodded brokenly when he asked if he could hold me.

"Come on, Princess, you need some rest."

I allowed him to sit me on the old rocking chair in the corner of the room while he organized everything- he even knew how I kept my every belonging organized.

After finishing, he moved me to lie on the bed under the comforter. Laying behind me, he held me to his chest and making me feel more secure than ever.

Of course, all good things must come to an end; Hakeem was collected by Elijah before sunrise, and he left me with a silent kiss on the forehead. Head still pounding and emotions high, this only served to further piss me off.

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