XV: Early Bird.. Gets Interrogated?

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As always, I am the first awake the next morning. I eventually found running clothes to wear in the haphazardly packed bag my dad made up, along with my gun, and made it to the front door before being stopped by Hakeem.

"You don't want to leave the house right now," He assured me.

In return, I displayed the gun, "I can protect myself, I don't need you."

I shoved him aside and darted from the house, slamming the door, but quickly realized that I was being followed anyway; "go away!"

Hakeem followed me around the block anyway, no matter how fast I ran, before he suddenly caught me around the waist. I hadn't noticed the dark vehicle rolling towards me, but he obviously had. Hakeem snatched the weapon from my pocket, threw me to the lawn behind him, and fired shots until the car veered off the street and collided with a stop sign.

"Stay low," he demanded, made sure the driver and passenger were no longer threats, and then rushed us home. He refused to let me check him for any wounds, muttering that he was "in deep shit".

Once inside, I was tightly embraced by both my parents before dad began scrutinizing Hakeem with his entire being, "she could've died; either do your job or fuck off! Don't waste our time!"

I pulled against mama's grasp and tried to take responsibility for my downright idiotic actions, but Hakeem gave me a look that stopped me in my tracks, "yes sir, sorry sir. I take complete responsibility for the incident. It won't happen again."

I didn't see him for the rest of the day, and neither did my family, though mama soon confronted me about that morning ordeal, "You need to not only find and apologize to Hakeem, but confess to your father before Zion pieces it together himself."

Hearing the disappointment in her voice coaxed me into agreeing, knowing dad would notice the inconsistency in our stories soon enough. I found myself in the basement, knocking on doors until I was correctly directed to Hakeem's.

How long has he been living here? He took me to his dorm room.. was that even his room?

He opened the door shirtless and sweaty from his latest workout. I was momentarily distracted by this as always, and Hakeem puts his biceps on show confidently, "see something you like, Princess?"

I smiled, "I was going to apologize, but never mind douchebag."

Hakeem took my hand with a grin and ushered me inside his room, "hurry up before your dad busts in and beats my ass."

This makes us both laugh before I apologizes, which he shrugged off, "I should've done more to keep you inside, your dad was right."

"You did what you were told to, I was just stubborn," I argued.

Hakeem sighed with that same smile and sat beside me, "are you really sorry?"

I nodded with furrowed brows, "of course I am."

His grin turned devious, "then give me a kiss."

I broke from my confusion, deciding immediately to play along, "where?"

Hakeem leaned close and wrapped an arm around me, "on the lips.. for now."

I rolled my eyes with a small smile, "that seems fair, I guess."

Hakeem laughed lowly before I planted that kiss on his lips, enjoying the feeling after such a long time without him.

After the short exchange, I left his bedroom—only to be caught by.. fuck. I smiled innocently at the scowling man; "um.. hi papa."

That's how Hakeem and I found ourselves sitting across from dad in one of the offices, waiting for him to hand out death sentences—well, Hakeem at least. I would probably just lose my phone for a week, given the safe space confession I'd made. I thankfully remembered asking mama to join our little meeting, which she did just as dad began shouting.

His accusing eyes shot from his wife to me, knowing I'd schemed with her. Even so, he allows her to sit on his lap and soothe him with a few light pats on his chest.

My angry father calmed considerably, given his wife's presence, but remained stern with Hakeem; "you don't interact with her in any capacity other than professional from now on."

Hakeem and I both sighed in relief, knowing this was the most lenient punishment dad could've given us. We both knew he was only doing what he thought was right, as dad was still oblivious to Hakeem being the boy who I had vented about during the safe place conversation. That was probably for the best as well.

Hakeem held the office door open for me to pass through first, then we awkwardly went our separate ways. I didn't know what else to say, and Hakeem seemed just as lost.

What else can we say right now?

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