✰Chapter 29✰

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Dracos pov

The spell some how just goes right through Andromeda. My baby girl she's she's she's still alive. Andromeda lowers her arms from her face terrified. "What" father says looking at his wand. Mother throws her head back into the mans face and he lets go in pain. Mother quickly grabs her wand from her pocket and says "Stupify" pointing her wand at father. He flys back and goes face first through the window. "Stupify, stupify, stupify, stupify" mother says making all the men fly back freeing me. I run to Andromeda and pick her up. What what how can this be. The spell went right through her not causing her any harm or pain. She was just terrified for the most part.

I finally just broke down sobbing. My own father tried to take away my happiness. My daughter. My sunshine. My baby girl. My will to live. I held her close not wanting to ever let go. She clung to me harder than ever. I feel a hand on my back and it's mother's. "Shhh Draco you have to leave now if you want to catch the train back to Hogwarts" she says. I wiped my tears and waited a second until I looked heartless again. "Come on sweetie. We're never coming back here again" I say to Andromeda.

As I'm walking through Kings Cross I can't stop shaking. I don't know if it's from fear or anger or both. I held Andromeda close as we waited for the train. Only a couple of kids were coming back early so Andromeda and I would be able to get a compartment to ourselves. I would hear an occasional sniffle come from Andromeda and the train horn echoing through the station.

It's not until I get on the train that I am finally able to breath. Andromeda had fallen asleep in my arms luckily. By now the ministry was already at the house arresting father and taking him away to Azkaban along with his minions. Mother would enjoy the house to herself and the elves wouldn't be so scared all the time. Father would have that affect on people. Father acted tough but when someone spoke back to him he would get nervous or just throw our money in their face. In reality he's just a coward with money.

I was awoken by the train horn and slowly opened my eyes to see that we were stopped. I slowly get up carefully to not wake Andromeda and make my way to the carriages. When I arrive I'm greeted by Snape and McGonagall. "Oh my dear boy" McGonagall says rushing up to me. "Dumbledore wants to talk to you immediately" Snape says walking the carriages. It was a silent ride with us four. Andromeda still asleep, McGonagall giving me glances, Snape just waiting to get off the carriage. As soon as we arrive to the castle we're rushed up to Dumbledores office. "Ah Draco come sit" Dumbledore says. I sit in the large black leather chair in front of his desk. Dumbledore comes around to my left and stands to the side of me looking at Andromeda and I. "We've just got news about your Father. He's been sent to Azkaban for using a unforgivable curse. We must know who he used this curse on because they didn't find a body" Dumbledore asks. I sat quietly at first just staring at Andromeda wondering if I should say he used it on my child or just keep my mouth shut.

"Draco, you won't get in trouble if your scared..." "He used it on Andromeda. He used it on my daughter" I say cutting him off. I can hear McGonagall gasp and hear Snape inhale deeply. "That's. That's impossible" McGonagall says. "No not necessarily. We all know Potter survived that curse" Dumbledore said. "Did he miss or was he aiming at somebody else..." "No he aimed his wand right at her and said it. The curse went right through her stomach. She didn't scream and it didn't seem like it hurt her. It just...went through her" I say cutting Dumbledore off again. "Extraordinary" he says. If looks could kill he would've been blasted off the astronomy tower.

After hours of questioning by the school and the ministry I was finally free to go. Sounded like father was in a lot of trouble. Which he should be for using a unforgivable curse on a three year old nonetheless. As I was walking through the dungeons Andromeda had started to stir. "Good morning sleepy head" I say kissing her on the head. She just nuzzles her head into my neck in response.

I can't wait to get us out of here and start our new lives together. She's only three and she's already been through so much. She's been kidnapped found, attempted to be kidnapped again, her grandfather tried to kidnap her again to give her away to some man, and he tried to kill her.

By the time school starts up again everyone will know. They'll know my father tried to get rid of Andromeda and they'll know he's in Azkaban. It's bad enough Malfoy's have a bad rap but to be known as child killers. That's where I draw the line. I hope this plan goes off without a hitch because I want better for Andromeda. She deserves an actual home to be raised in and actually knows what it feels like to be loved.

I finally arrive back into my dorm and sit down on my couch. "Daddy. Are you really have to give me back" Andromeda asks. "Not a chance sweet girl."

Sorry for taking so long college is kicking my ass but another chapter will be up soon!!! Don't forget to vote and comment! Also comment things you would want to happen in this story!

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