✰Chapter 26✰

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Dracos pov

Andromeda and I take a short walk through the garden after breakfast. We played in the snow for a little while making snow angels and little snowman. She loved the cold as did I. We then went inside for some hot cocoa and I fell asleep on the couch.

Narcissas pov

I walked into the living room to see Draco asleep on the sofa and Andromeda sitting on the ground playing with her new stuffed animals on the floor. "Come on Dromeda let's let daddy sleep" I say picking her up with her stuffed bear. "Narnar can you do my hair" she says. "Anything for you angel" I say walking her up to my room. I sit her on the counter as she turns and faces the mirror. I take out my hair potions to keep her hair curled for days even when she takes her baths and another to keep her hair soft.

Andromeda always sat very still when I did her hair. I applied the potions to her hair and got to work. Her hair always took a little long because she had pretty long hair for a three year old. After I was done I ran my hands through it. "Ok sweetie we're done. I asked the house elves to make your favorite cookies and you can have one before your daddy wakes up. Her face lit up after I said that. Draco never let Andromeda have sweets before dinner because it "spoils her dinner". We walked down to the kitchen and checked to see if Draco was still asleep. Luckily he was. I snuck her a cookie and she enjoyed it at the table.

"I guess I was till pretty tired" I hear. I turn towards the door and Draco was standing in the doorway running his hands through his hair. He walked over to Andromeda and luckily she had finished her cookie before he walked in. "Hi honey I'm sorry I don't mean to fall asleep on you" he says kissing her cheek. "It's ok" she says. "I see Narnar did your hair. It looks very pretty." "Thank you" she said smiling.

We ended up having dinner at the table and making small talk. Draco had given her a cookie after dinner which she enjoyed happily. After doing some paperwork in the study I walk out to see Andromeda asleep laying on Draco with her half eaten cookie in her hand. I giggle at the sight and go and sit in one of our leather chairs. "She really is the cutest child" I say. "She is." Draco had noticed the cookie and grabbed it out of her hands and took a bite out of it. "Really Draco." "What we can't let it go to waste" he says taking another bite.

"I'm going to go put her into bed" he says slowly getting up. "Ok. But come back down after because you and I need to talk" I say. His expression turns serious and he nods.

After a couple minutes he comes back down and sits on the couch. "Do you love Andromeda" I ask. "Of course I do. What kind of question even is that" he asks defensively. "I'm just making sure. Because I have a plan for you to keep her" I say. He immediately leans forward and looks like he's listening tentatively. "How far you willing to go to keep her" I say. "I'll do anything" he says. "She's my world, my happiness, my best friend."

"Here's my plan. You'll go back to school act like everything is completely normal. On February 2 your going to leave school. At 2:45 a.m. your going to take Andromeda and there will be a carriage waiting for you in the forbidden forest. You just have to make sure Hagrid doesn't see you and Filch usually ends up falling asleep at 2:30 you just have to watch for Mrs.Norris. Now the carriage will take you both into London. From there you'll have to enter the muggle world." I look over and Dracos sitting their nodding. "You'll have to get what muggles call a cab. They have things called phone booths. They're red and pretty easy to spot. They have numbers zero through nine and just press the buttons of the number you need and it will somehow contact them. Once you get a cab you'll give the them this address" I say handing him a piece of paper. "That's an address in Ireland. It'll take you to a little cottage it's pretty small but very muggle like. It's two rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a small study, and a living room. I've been pulling out money for about a month now and I need you to start doing the same. You'll have to find a way to convert it to muggle money they call pounds. That way you'll have plenty of money to live off of. I won't be able to see you for a couple of months because Hogwarts will be watching your father and I. Then hopefully I can come visit and you can raise her for years and years to come" I say.

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