✰Chapter 16 ✰

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Time skip

Nobody's pov

Andromeda was now three and Draco had gotten closer to the little girl. He loved spending time with her and loved her even more. She has learned how to walk and eat solid food.

Her jet black hair had gotten longer to the top of her butt to be exact, her blue eyes had gotten brighter, her smile wider, and was now able to form sentences.

Draco has gotten to watch her grow out of all her baby clothes, take her first steps, eat her first solid food, watch her bracelet grow around her wrist, play with her friends, run around with her, actually talk to her, he had gotten to watch her grow up. Draco's bond had grown stronger with the girl and he was nervous about his time dwindling down with her. He had taught her a lot but more importantly she had taught him a lot.

Narcissas bond had also increased with the little girl and Lucius had grown to resent the girl. Andromeda never knew or understood why but she knew she had her grandma or Narnar as she called her. Andromeda knew when they went home for holiday she was going to be spoiled and to stay away from Lucius. She knew when she wanted something all she had to do was bat her eyes and told that didn't work put on her puppy eyes and puppy dog face.

Draco knew time with her was coming to an end and he had to figure out a plan to keep her.

Dracos pov

"Come on mother let go of Andromeda we're going to be late" I say trying to board the train. "Bye Narnar" she says. "Goodbye my sweet angel" mother says and with that we step onto the trolly to head to Hogwarts.

We find a cart at the end of the train with Crabbe, Crabbe jr., Blaise, and Stella. Andromeda runs to her friends as I sit down in the compartment. "How was your summer Draco" Crabbe asks. "It was good we went and saw quidditch match's, went to Italy and a bunch of other places, but mostly went shopping for Andromeda thanks to mother" I say. They smile back in return.

*choo choo*

"Ok Andromeda you know what that means" I say as she runs to come sit on my lap. I hold her as she waves goodbye to mother and looks out the window. I watch as the other kids do the same so excited to ride the train.

We sit and talk about our summer as the kids play with their new toys. "Anything from the trolly dears" Ms.Margery asks. Andromeda immediately looks at me "Please daddy" she says. "Ok" I say. "Can I get a dark chocolate bar" "And sherbet lemons please" Andromeda says. "That'll be four galleons dear." Andromeda runs back over to me and I hand her four galleons. She soon runs back and hands me my chocolate bar and I open her bag of sherbet lemons for her.

We continue talking while the kids trade and eat their candy. After the second hour Andromeda crawls into my lap "Daddy I have to go to the bathroom." "Ok come on" I say.

She emerges out of the bathroom and we walk back to our cart. As we sit down Blaise blurts out "Did you hear Pansy and Pike are dating." "Ya and they spent the whole summer together. Remember when she was obsessed with you" Crabbe adds. "Ya thank god that's over. I can't take her voice sometimes and she was so clingy" I say laughing. I look back down to see that Andromeda was gone. "Where did she go" I say as the boys look down. "I don't know she was right there" Blaise says. "Want us to help you look" Crabbe says. "No you stay with your kids I'll be back" I say.

I open the compartment door and start ripping open every compartment door on this train.

Lunas pov

I was walking to find an open compartment when I stepped on something soft. I looked down and it was a stuffed pink pig. I picked it up and it didn't have a name on it. It must've belonged to one of the eighth years child. I picked it up and held it hoping to find the child it belonged to.

"Anything from the trolly dear" I hear from behind me. "Oh yes please may I have six sugar sticks please" I say. "Three galleons." I put my sugar sticks in my bag and turn around but bump into someone. A small someone. "You found oinkers" I hear as I look down I see a small girl with long black hair and adorable blue eyes. "Is this yours" I say squatting down. "Yes I dropped him" she says.

"Well here you go" I say handing her the stuffed animal. "Thank you miss" she says while hugging the pig. "Of course." "What are those" she asks pointing to my glasses. "These oh these help me see the warkspurtes" I say. "What are those" she asks. "They are little creatures that can make your brain go fuzzy" I say. She gasps "But don't worry you don't have any" I say.

"Your very pretty by the way" she says grabbing my long blonde hair. I laugh as she continues to play with my hair. "And your very beautiful as well and your the cutest little girl I've seen" I say as I boop her on her nose. She giggled in return. I notice her beautiful little snake bracelet so she must belong to someone in Slytherin.

"Andromeda I've been looking for you everywhere. You had be worried sick" I hear and look up to see Draco walking our way. He squats down to cup her face "Don't ever do that again you hear me. You scared me half to death" he says. "I'm sorry daddy but I lost oinkers and he was scared without me" she says sniffing almost crying. "Oh sweetie don't cry just tell me next time and we can find oinkers together" he says pulling her into a hug. He picks her up "This nice girl found him" she says smiling at me and I return it smiling back at her. "Ummm thank you Lovegood" he says. "Your welcome" I say. "She's very pretty" Andromeda tries to whisper but fails. Draco just smiles and says "We must get going now."

I turn around and continue looking for an open compartment.

Dracos pov

I'll tear this whole train apart if I have to she's already been taken once I won't let her be taken again.

"Anything from the trolly dear." "No thank you" I say. As I let her move past me I see Andromeda with a certain blonde. I sigh in relief Lunas a lot of things but she's not mean and would never hurt a thing. They were both laughing and Luna taps her on the nose making Andromeda giggle even more.

"Andromeda I've been looking for you everywhere. You had be worried sick" I say. I walk towards them both and squat down to cup her face "Don't ever do that again you hear me. You scared me half to death" I say. "I'm sorry daddy but I lost oinkers and he was scared without me" she says sniffing almost crying. "Oh sweetie don't cry just tell me next time and we can find oinkers together" I say pulling her into a hug. I pick her up "This nice girl found him" she says smiling at her and Luna returned it smiling back at her. "Ummm thank you Lovegood" I say. "Your welcome" she says. "She's very pretty" Andromeda tries to whisper but fails miserably. I just smile and say "We must get going now."

"Daddy do you have warkspurts" she asks. I let out a sigh "No sweetie they aren't real" I say. Andromeda puts her head in my shoulder and soon starts to drift asleep.

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