✰Chapter 21✰

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Daphnes pov

Oh come on I had one job. "Andromeda come out please" I say. Then I hear a faint cry. Oh god I'm dead. I turn and I'm the court yard I see Andromeda sitting crying. I quickly run out into the rain. "Andromeda what happened" I ask looking down at her scraped hands. "I fell" she says crying. "Shhhhh it's ok" I say picking her up and taking her into the covering.

"I want my daddy" she says crying. "I know." I quickly make my way back to the dungeons and creep in making sure Andromeda doesn't make a peep. I make sure to cover Andromeda with my cloak to make sure no one sees her. Luckily there was some commotion and screaming so students weren't paying any attention to me. Luckily I was able to smuggle her into the girls dormitory to clean her up.

She was pretty cold from the rain so I quickly put her on the counter to clean her hands first. I put some medicine on them which made her cry. "Shhhhh it's ok" I say panicking. "Here let's get you into a bath" I say. I got her out of her jumper and wet leggings. I started the bath and tried to put her in but she wouldn't go.

"No no no I don't want to take a bath" she says. "Well you have to." "NOOOOO" she says yelling. "Andromeda please don't yell. It'll be a quick bath I promise." Yet she was still resisting. She started running around everywhere. Jumping on beds crawling underneath them and yelling. After cornering her I grabbed her and just stuck her in the bath. "Andromeda please stop screaming" I say panicking.

I try taking a cup of water and pouring it over her head but she pushes my hand it spills all over me. THATS IT. All my anger and rage just came out. "LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT YOU BETTER KNOCK IT OFF" I scream. Suddenly she starts crying. Oh bloody hell what have I done.

"What in the bloody hell is going on in here" I hear. I slowly turn around to see the last person I wanted to see. Draco. His face is tomato red and I swear I saw steam come out his ears. He storms in the bathroom and moves me from the tub picking Andromeda up. "This water is freezing" he says. "You had her for four hours what the hell happened. You know what I don't want to hear your bloody excuses. AND if I ever hear you spit that poison at my child again. I will hex you" he says storming out.

Dracos pov

Now it was finally time for the plan to be set in to motion. We placed Blaise in his position by the fire place while Pike and I hid in the stair case. Soon enough Pansy entered with Cashmere and London her heels. "Hey Pansy did you get the potions homework" Blaise asks. "No what was the potions homework" she asks going over to face him.

I give him the thumbs up and Blaise goes in to kiss her as I send Pike walking down the stairs. "What is going on in here" Pike asks. Blaise and Pansy pull away as Pansy tries to explain. "No don't bother Pansy were over" Pike says. "Blaise kissed me I swear" she says. "No sorry Pike she kissed me" Blaise says. Pansy then just starts yelling and screaming drawing lots of attention. Blaise makes a quick get away and runs up the stairs.

I look at the clock and Daphne was supposed to be back with Andromeda ten minutes ago. I make my way over to the girls dormitory and go to knock on Daphnes door. "LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT YOU BETTER KNOCK IT OFF." I heard Andromeda's little crying and just ripped the door open. I go over to the bathroom to see Andromeda soaking wet and crying.

"What in the bloody hell is going on in here" I say. Daphne slowly turns around to face me.Her face looking like she had just seen a ghost. I storms in the bathroom and moves Daphne from the tub picking Andromeda up. "This water is freezing" I say picking her up. "You had her for four hours what the hell happened. You know what I don't want to hear your bloody excuses. AND if I ever hear you spit that poison at my child again. I will hex you" I say storming out.

"Shhhh its ok let's get you into a warm bath" I say walking back to my dorm quickly. I enter my room and start a warm bath for her. Slowly putting her in the tub and washing her hair. She had calmed down now and was warm again. I got her changed into her bear onesie for more warmth.

"Are you hungry do you want to go get lunch" I ask. She slowly shakes her head yes and we're off to the dining hall.

In the dining hall I give her a half of a sandwich and some pumpkin juice. I was too angry to eat. How dare Daphne yell at a child like that. She's so little she doesn't understand everything. I had never raised my voice at her. So of course she cried when somebody was yelling at her calling her a brat.

"Draco please let me explain" I hear and I just know it's Daphne. I slowly look up to see her face looking white as ever. "We had gone to go see the court yard when Astoria and I started talking. I just took my eyes off of her for a couple of minutes to talk. The next thing I know she was on the ground. She was just playing in the rain and fell. It wasn't my fault she was being bad..." "Daphne you better leave now before I hex you. I told you she likes to run off and I told you to watch her closely. You told me you were good with Thomas so that was obviously a lie. She's three years old she likes to play. She doesn't understand when a person says no. She is still learning. So how dare you tell me she was being bad she's a damn child" I say gritting through my teeth.

I get up with Andromeda and start walking back to the commons. Any longer and I would've hexed her and probably ended myself in Azkaban. I was walking to the commons when I heard a sniffle. I turn to see Andromeda crying on my shoulder. "Oh honey what's the matter" I ask. "I'm sorrrry I-I was b-b-being bad" she cry's. "Oh shhhh it's ok. I know you just wanted to play" I say. I say the password for the commons and slide in the door. Luckily no one was in the commons so I sat Andromeda and I on the couch letting her lay across me. She was still crying which made my heart break. "Shhhhh it's ok you just made a mistake. I still love you and don't you ever forget that" I say holding her close. She soon calms down enough and falls asleep in my arms.

I couldn't imagine if anything bad happened to her. Is this what parenting was. Spending all your time worrying if something was going to happen to them. Always wanting what's best for them. Only wanting them to be happy and healthy. Trying to protect them from any outside dangers. Teaching them how to fix their mistakes. Loving them with every bone in your body it hurts. Parenting was exhausting but I wouldn't give it up for anything. I just look down at the perfect little witch so sweet.

Was I this innocent when I was younger. All I can remember from my child years were gifts and my father telling me what to do. I usually just played by myself in the manor and was ignored by my father until he needed to show off his perfect family. Mother and I were just props in his mind. I only had mother growing up. I remember them fighting constantly but soon mother just gave up fighting.

I wouldn't be like my father. My father was cold and hardly ever showed affection. Not even to mother. When I find my wife I will always show her I love her. Father didn't care much for me when I was younger and I don't know if he even cares about me now. He thinks buying your child expensive gifts for him and his friends shows that he cares. All he cares about is control and image. It was exhausting. I guess that's why mother gave up fighting him because it was exhausting.

I would never give up fighting for my daughter. Her life is going to be different. I'm going to give her the life she deserves.

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