Chapter 5: The Awakening

Comenzar desde el principio

(Y/N): "Come on. Please work."

He pressed a button on the bow, creating the arrow made of pure dust. He chose a burst arrow, able to disperse the dust against the target. Who knew this would be how he used the bow first.

Staring at the bow in his hand, he calmed himself down. He needed to concentrate if he had any hope of saving himself. He just hoped that it would work like he thought it did.

And so, he held the bow as far away as he could, and he fired the arrow.

And the arrow hit his shoulder, dispersing gravity dust onto him.

When the arrow hit (Y/N)'s shoulder, he groaned in pain while his body started to glow a dark purple. He never tried using dust on himself, and he has never used gravity dust in his life. But, he did have history books, and it said that Atlas was a floating city held up by gravity dust. He hoped that wasn't a lie.

For a second, nothing happened. He didn't feel himself change at all. He was still falling as fast as before, only now, he had a purple glowing trail from where he fell.

For a few more seconds, only two words appeared in (Y/N)'s mind.

(Y/N): "Please work. Please work. Please work. Please work..."

He continued falling, watching the forest getting closer and closer. The trees sparkled so brightly, it blocked his vision for most of the time. He braced for impact, preparing himself for the worst.

But after only a few seconds more, he felt something change. He was slowing down. The dust worked.

While he mentally sighed, (Y/N) navigated through the fall and eventually landed onto a rather large tree branch.

He sat down on the tree branch, resting his arm against the trunk.

(Y/N): "I'm never doing that again."

(Y/N) looked to his left, watching his aura heal the wound. The arrow didn't do anything serious to him, but after falling from the sky and crashing through the branches at the top of the tree, his arm felt sore.

While resting his arm, (Y/N) looked up and saw the familiar sight of leaves above him. It was nice to see them again, even if it was a different forest with different colors.

Through the leaves, (Y/N) saw the sky, reminding him of his scream only moments ago.

(Y/N): "... I'm sure no one heard that."

(Y/N) sighed, shaking his head in embarrassment to calm himself down.

After healing his arm, (Y/N) lifted himself back up. He cracked his bones and dropped down, landing onto the leaf covered floor.

And once there, he saw another familiar sight. 


Lots of them. 

And with no indicator of where to go.

(Y/N): "Great... Looks like I'll have to guess."

He looked back down, annoyed at the realization. 

But before he left, he saw something next to his foot. Something that didn't match with everything. 

It was... strange.

It was a gray chess knight made of glass. It was a wonder the thing wasn't cracked. Some would say it was a miracle. But the weirdest part to it was how smooth the piece was. There was no texture at all. Just a glass knight.

(Y/N): "What's this doing here?"

(Y/N) picked up the knight, inspecting it for only a second before placing it into his cloak. Might as well keep the thing.

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