"Lola, how come you've never told us that before?" I asked.

"Yeah, we didn't know this story."

She smiled, reminiscing the old days, "She was really nice to me. I was just getting to know how things work in this country, being an immigrant myself. I had her whenever I don't have John to ask. She'd phone me whenever they need extra help at the Soup Kitchen."

"That sounds just like her." Hailey smiled.

"Yes, she was always so helpful and kind-hearted. Such a brave soul, just like you are."

Hailey looked up, keeping her tears at bay. "Oh, Lola, you're gonna make Hailey cry again," I commented. Hailey chuckled, wiping under her eyes. "Yes, Lauren's right about this one."

Lola laughed softly, "Okay, I'm gonna have to go now my apos. You make sure you're eating well, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Lola."

She smiled at me and we hugged her again. "Text me when you land, okay?"

"Yes, mother."

We all laughed then she walked towards the departure area. Hailey and I waved bye and we walked out of JFK.

My phone pinged while we were waiting for a cab.

"Who's that?" Hailey leaned in to check my phone, "Oh, wow."

"Hey, we're still up for today, right? -Dean"

"Yeah, wow." I agreed. "You think I should still go out with him?"

"Oh, for sure!" she nodded. "Who, in their right mind, would pass up a date with a hot British model?"

"It's just coffee, though."

"He's just being British, you know. Tell him you'll meet him at Corrigan's. Show him how we do dates here."

"Yeah... I don't think I'd like to 'show him how we do dates here'." I air-quoted. "I guess I'd let him lead the way this time?"

She snorted, "Yeah, and just how did it go the last time you let a man lead the date?"

I inhaled sharply, "Paparazzi came into the picture." I puffed out a breath, "In my defense, though, it was part of the deal with Axel. That was his condition. He gets to decide the way the dates go."

"Right..." she nodded, "But this time, it's your call..." her lips pursed. "You have to keep in mind that Dean's also a model. We don't know him but I'm guessing he's making a name for himself if he walked 2nd to the last of a fashion show."

A cab stopped for us, Hailey got in, "You know I hate it when you're right." I got in and closed the door.

She smiled sweetly, "Then I'm prepared for you to hate me all the time."

* * *

I texted Dean the address of Corrigan's and told him to be there by 7:00. I was walking towards Corrigan's when my phone alerted from a text.

"I'm here. :) -Dean"

I replied, "You know you don't have to sign your name anymore, right? I have your number saved. I'm on my way."

I snuck my phone back in my purse and continued to walk. It buzzed again as I reach the front door of Corrigan's. I ignored it and check my coat in at the counter. I spotted Dean immediately, sitting on the corner table.

"Thanks," I said to the man at the counter as I adjusted my navy midi dress.

"Hey." Dean greeted as we walked towards each other.

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