Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

I held my breath as I wait for Hailey's answer. I heard her gasp and then saw how she bit her lip in a sad attempt to stop them from quivering.

"Hailey?" his voice was pleading.

Answer! Damn you. I wanted to shake her. What's wrong with her? Why isn't she answering? This should be a no-brainer.

She smiled downwards. Pained.

I glanced at Axel and saw that his expression was the same as mine: worried and horrified. It shouldn't be this way; this wasn't how it's supposed to be.

Then she sniffed, catching my attention yet again, and pushed her thumb to her brow, tears now flowing.

Shit, she's gonna say no, isn't she? No, no, no, no, no, I can't look at this. Josh has been my friend all these years and I refuse to see his world collapse right in front of my eyes.

I turned and buried my face in Axel's chest, wincing as I await the doom.

What would happen to Josh? He loves her so much. I thought she loves him too. What is happening?

"Yes. Yes. Of course, yes."

I loosen my grip on Axel's shirt. "She said yes?"

His chest shakes in delight and nodded down at me, "She said yes."

I looked back and saw that Josh was already standing, slipping the ring on her finger.

"Yes, I will marry you, Joshua Walker," she held his face with both hands and kissed him.

"Holy shit," I muttered under my breath as relief and disbelief washed over me.

"She said yes!" Axel said in pure delight.

I turned to him, smiling from ear to ear when he held my head in his hands and placed a quick kiss on my lips before screaming "Woo!" as he fisted his right hand in the air and jogged towards Josh and Hailey.

I stood frozen on the grass.

What just happened?

I turned and saw the three of them talking.

"Oh my God, I thought you were gonna say no. You scared us, Hailey."

"I was just shocked," she said out of breath.

"Well, congratulations, you two. I'm so happy for you."

Hailey nuzzled closer to Josh. "Thanks. Where's Lauren?"

"She was just behind me."

I blinked and forced myself back to reality and jogged towards them.

"Laure!" she squealed. "Laure, Laure, look," she flashed her ring and then brought me in for a tight hug.

"I'm so happy for you," my voice was muffled. I squeezed into the hug and then held her at arms-length, about to say something profound, but as soon as I saw her face and how her tears were brimming, I lost all thought and hugged her again, "You scared us there for a second, Hales."

Josh huffed out a breath, "You and me both, Laure. You and me both."

Hailey chuckled and wiped away a tear as she released from the hug. "I was surprised, that's all." Then she moved closer to Josh, "You know I love you, right? And I'll never think twice about marrying you. Although you've seen what just happened." She chuckled. "So, if you want some reassurance, I love you, Joshua Walker, and I can't wait to spend a lifetime with you."

"Oh, shit," I whispered to Axel next to me.


"I don't think we should be here. I mean, look at them! I feel like I'm intruding."

How to Date an AssholeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora