Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

As I wait in the pick-up area, my mind drifted back to the time where Hailey and I were in this exact same spot – with her asking me how I plan to go on my date with Dean. And now he's pulling up, taking my luggage, and putting it in the trunk.

It felt so long ago with everything that had happened. But it turned out to be one of the best decisions ever.

I don't know how everything will play out between us, but whatever happens, I believe that I gained a very wonderful friend.

The engine roared to life as we drive away.

"So how was your trip?" he glanced at me.

"Are you talking about the entire trip or just the one with Axel in it?"

He shrugged, focused on the road. "Both?"

"Oh, well, Sydney was nice. We audited them and everything turned out clean. Just a few adjustments, no big deal. Oh, and get this, we had a night out at the Opera house."


"We got wasted."

He gasped. "Lauren Grant, you cheeky little devil. Getting drunk on another continent? Bismal." He said mockingly.

I laughed, "Oh, please. Make those two continents."

He shook his head with a smile on his face, "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," I said with my head held high.

"How was your Halloween, anyway?"

"Oh, um, it's a long story."

"You and your boy problems huh?" He chuckled.

"Stop. It's not funny."

"Oh, come on, it's a little funny." His grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"Have you had lunch yet?" I started, breaking the ice that started to form.

"No. How about you?"

I shook my head, "Nah."

"Do you want to have lunch together?"

"How about your casting call?"

"I still have time."


"Okay then let's have lunch. I know just the place. Oh, wait."


"Do you like Italian food? I mean I should ask before deciding."

I can't help but smile. "How thoughtful. No, of course, I like Italian food."

He placed his hands firmly on the steering wheel, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Why are you looking at me?" he countered.

"Because we're the only people here?"

"That's not an answer." he looked at me, "Some kiss, huh. You really missed me that much?"

I laughed, "Okay, stop gloating. Just drive."

His eyes moved to the road then back to me.

I punched his arm playfully, "Eyes on the road, mister."

His teeth flashed in an open-mouthed smile and soon we're on the highway.

It took us about a good hour to get to the place. We stopped at this quaint restaurant just outside of the city.

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