Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Oh. My. God." Hailey said slowly.

"Oh my God," I confirmed nodding my head.

Axel saw us staring across the bar then he smiled and raised his drink to us.

"Oh my God," I said under my breath as I looked down. "He saw us." I continued.

"No shit," Hailey said. "He's walking towards us." I can hear the panic in her voice. "Act normal."

I raised my head and swigged the Old Fashioned to the bottom. God, I'm nervous.

He's casually walking in all his glory, completely unaware of the effect he has on me, wearing a white button-down shirt with 2 to 3 buttons undone tucked under his perfectly tailored dress pants and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I want to pinch myself.

He's getting closer and I feel my heart pound uncontrollably. This isn't healthy.

I open my mouth to say something when he gets to us then he walks past us to go to the three girls sitting on the 4-seater table where I sat earlier.

I immediately closed my mouth as I felt my face heat up.

"Oh, God," I said as I touched my face feeling the heat. "I'm so embarrassed."

Hailey exhaled dramatically and drank down the Gin and Tonic. "Oh, that makes the two of us."

"Hey, Sam. 2 shots of tequila please," Hailey said calling Sam's attention to which he happily obliged.

I'm still shocked by what just happened. "I think I need a minute to process this."

"You think?" Hailey replied.

Sam chuckled disapprovingly. "Axel James?" he shook his head. "Pretty much a regular, different girls every time."

"Did you say girls? With an 's'? Plural?" I ask intrigued.

"Heard it right." He shrugged.

"Wow," Hailey said. "How come I've never seen him here before?"

"Eh, the guy goes here mostly on lean days. It's actually a bit surprising to see him here on a Friday." Sam replied.

"Axel, my man!" A guy shouted towards Axel. Axel stood, hugging him with a pat on his back.

I shake my head in disdain. "I can't believe I had a major crush on him back in High School."

"Oh, that's cute, hun. But I think everybody did when we were 16."

I pouted then drank the tequila waiting for me. I feel it burn down my throat. It feels better than my embarrassment. Thank God, I haven't said anything yet, that would definitely make it worse. Who would've thought I'll see him in real life 10 years later? My 16-year-old self would've lost her shit. Who am I kidding? I nearly lost my shit 3 minutes ago. I don't even know what got to my mind – expecting he'll notice me.

I glanced at their table. He's sitting between two girls, making out with the brunette while the blonde has her hands all over him. The third girl is now making out with the guy who greeted Axel earlier. The whole scene is disappointing. I didn't know Corrigan's became this kind of place. Axel opened his eyes then saw me looking at them. I immediately looked away.

"C'mon, Hailey. Let's get out of here." I tell Hailey.

"Yes, you're absolutely right. We need to forget about this and just party," she replied then gave his card to Sam to bill out. I gave Sam 10 bucks as his tip. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in as soon as I went out the door.

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