Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I shook my head as I tear apart the papers that I've written letters on. Manual shredding is actually good to exert some of my frustration. A little therapeutic to be honest.

The letters contain drafts of my resignation which I passed to Human Resources a week ago. Quitting my job makes me ashamed and proud of myself at the same time.

It makes me feel ashamed that I couldn't handle it any longer – I've always prided myself on not being a quitter but what the hell, it was such a relief to finally have the guts to quit after a year of my manager bossing me around and making me feel inferior; I just know I wouldn't stay there any longer for the sake of my mental health.

The problem now is, I don't have a job and according to my calculations, it'll only take me 3 months to live off of my savings.

I picked up all the torn-up paper sprawled across my bed and tossed it in the trash. Poor trees had to suffer from my dilemma. In my defense though, writing my thoughts by hand is really helpful for me in making decisions – maybe because I can really see it, think it through.

I opened my laptop and began updating my resume. I was adding my latest experience and it's kind of bittersweet that it now has an end date instead of 'Present'. I smiled to myself, thinking about how it felt like it was only yesterday when I was fixing up my CV to apply to Steinhouse, Inc. as an Accounting Associate.

It feels kind of funny how I really thought I could grow there knowing how big the company is. They run an empire – real estate, banks, malls, the whole lot. But I can't really blame my quitting to the company; sure, they have a lot of strict rules and regulations but those didn't suffocate me, my manager did. It was such a shame that I got along well with my co-workers, they were really nice and they played a big part that I stayed there for a year.

After I was pleased with how my updated resume looked like, I called my best friend. She works at an agency for Human Resources and I just want to ask if she knows any opening that's suitable for me.

"Hello?" she answered after three rings.

"Hey, Hailey!" then I heard a shuffling of papers. My forehead creased. Maybe now isn't the right time. "You busy?" I continued.

"C'mon now, Lauren, I wouldn't pick up if I were too busy. What's up?" she replied with ridicule in her voice.

"Uh, I just updated my resume." I paused then let out a small sigh. The shuffling of papers stopped.

"Lauren, are you feeling guilty again?" I can almost imagine Hailey's face on the other line. One eyebrow raised as she always does when she thinks I'm acting stupid. Maybe she's right.

"Yeah, a little bit. I just feel a little ashamed of myself that I can't handle it any longer." I shrugged.

"I think that's perfectly normal and especially when it comes to you, Laure." She chuckled. "You're always like that – you're too hard on yourself. And besides, you did the right thing..."

I nod in agreement, even though I know she can't really see me right now.

"You couldn't possibly stay at a job you hate any longer. It wasn't healthy. They weren't treating you the way you deserve." She continued.

I sighed then said, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

She snorted, "You guess I'm right? You bet your ass I am."

I chuckled. I'm really lucky I have her to slap some sense into me.

"Tell you what, let's grab some drinks tonight. It's Friday and we barely go out anymore. My treat." She said proudly.

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