Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Last night by the door made me realize how lucky I am to still have my Lola; that she's healthy and can still visit me across the state. It made me realize why Hailey was so keen on making things perfect for her and I'm such an ass for even forgetting she's visiting. I want to smack myself for getting irrationally jealous of my best friend as her quote "favorite apo". I'm so stupid and ungrateful.

I woke early, both of them still asleep. Hailey stirred as I stepped over her. We ended up sleeping on the floor last night because we can't both fit on the couch. It's 5:00 AM and I'm making waffles and brewing coffee.

"Hm..." Hailey uttered, standing by the door. "Love the smell of coffee." she walked over to me by the island.

"Good morning," I said, sipping coffee. She took a mug and poured herself some.

"So, what's the game plan?" she sipped on her coffee, "oof, hot."

"Newly boiled. We'll be off by 6:30 to Brooklyn? The tickets I bought for the Empire State last night is for 11:00 A.M."

She nodded, "Well, you better go wake Lola up, then?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna go do that. Help yourself with the waffles."

"Oh, I intend to." She beelined towards to stack of waffles.

I walked out of the kitchen and knocked on the bedroom door. "Lola?"

I opened the door and stood by the side of the bed, "Lola, wake up. We'll go to Brooklyn." I said softly, patting her arm.

She yawned, "Alright, Laurie, what time is it?"

"It's 5:30, I made breakfast."

"You did?" surprise evident in her voice.

"Yeah. It's just waffles and coffee. But I have oatmeal if you want."

She smiled, "Okay. I'll be there with you in a second."

"Alright, we'll just be in the kitchen." I walked away from her. "Oh, and good morning." My hand lightly ran on the door frame as I walk out.

The day was fun, we took loads of photos and I made sure to take extras with Lola. Moments like these are meant to be cherished.

I decided to fill my heart with a sense of gratitude after realizing how much I overlooked it in my life. Complaining was the easiest thing to do and I fall towards its pit most of the time and forget how lucky I am. Last night hit me like a truck. It gave me perspective. From now on, I will try my best to acknowledge my privilege and use it for good. I know that sounds like utter bullshit and what a contestant from Ms. Universe would say, but I mean it. I was just as much of an asshole as Axel James and I gave him shit for it; heck, maybe I'm even a bigger asshole than he is.

"Oh, I'm going to miss you, Lola," I said as I hugged her tightly. She put her hands on my shoulders and searched my eyes, "You take care, darling. I'll see you at Thanksgiving, alright?"

I nodded. "Of course. But you take care. You're the one going on a flight."

She chuckled then ruffled my hair like a child I'm sure she still sees me as. "Ay! I'm gonna miss you so much, my love." She kissed my forehead.

I laughed, "Alright, come on now, you're gonna miss your flight." I smoothed my hair out.

Hailey went in and hugged Lola too, "I'm gonna miss you too, Lola."

"Oh, Hailey, I'll miss you too, of course. You know you can always call me whenever you miss your Gran-gran. I'll never forget how Fely welcomed us into the neighborhood when we moved in, she brought us a pie."

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