Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I walked out of the elevator with confidence.

"Hey, Sharon! Good morning." I said. 

"Hi, Good morning!  Lauren, is that right?" she beamed from the reception desk. 

"Yeah,"  I replied with a smile. "Hey, where were you last week? I didn't see you after my interview. I've been in and out for the pre-employment  requirements."

Her eyes widened, "You got the job? That's amazing! Congratulations." her smile met her eyes.

"Yes. Thanks! Um, it's my first day today so, I guess you'll see more of me from now on." I shook my head as I grinned at her.

"Yeah, I guess so. That's great. And oh, I've caught the cold last week that's why you didn't see me."

"Oh, that must've sucked."

"Yeah, I was a total Rudolph with my red nose and all." she chuckled.

"Well, I'm glad you're doing better now. So, uh, I'll see you around?"

"Yes,  see you around." She replied and I waved at her as I began to walk down the hallway. "Oh, and Lauren?" she called, I stopped and looked back.


"Good luck and welcome to MGC," she said with an enthusiastic smile.

"Thanks, Sharon." I smiled then continued walking towards the HR Department.

It's a little over a week now since my interview. I gave it a lot of thought and what really sold me was the friendly atmosphere of the company. I  could really use some positive change so I accepted the offer.

Their requirements were standard but tedious all the same. I had to do a lot of paperwork and go under a couple of tests for the medical and physical exam.

Last  Friday, Ms. Deveraux – I mean, Alicia – oriented me of the company's policies, rules, and regulations. She insisted I call her by her first name; she said I was being too formal. I'm still getting used to it.

She showed me the organizational chart and their roles for the entity. She also gave me a whole tour of the office and introduced me to some people we meet. She said I should go to her first thing on Monday so she could formally endorse me to Ms. Campbell.

As I'm stepping inside the HR Department, Ms. Deveraux immediately greeted me.

"Hey, Lauren!" she beamed.

"Hi, Ms. Deveraux," I said. She narrowed her eyes playfully as if hearing the wrong thing. "I mean, Alicia." I smiled.

"There we go!" she let out a chuckle as she gestured with both her hands like she's presenting something.

"So, you ready to meet your Department?" she continued.

I exhaled deeply, "I have to be."

"Hey, it's alright. You'd fit in just fine, they won't bite." she smiled.

"Okay." I nodded then we walk towards the Accounting Department.

Alicia knocked on Ms. Campbell's already opened glass door as we enter her office. She looked busy writing something.

"Good morning, Ms. Campbell. Ms. Grant is here." Alicia said.

Ms. Campbell's eyes gazed upwards to look at us. She removed her eyeglasses and stood to greet us.

"Ah, yes, Ms. Grant! Welcome. Please take a seat." she gestured towards the chair in front of her table.

"Thank you, Alicia. I can take it from here." she nodded at Alicia with a smile then sat back on her chair.

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