Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

We were sitting at the dinner table with mom and dad seated at the opposite ends of the table. I was on dad's left, Axel was next to me, then Josh and Hailey. Noelle was in front of me and Xanthippe was next to her, leaving two empty chairs in between Xan and mom.

Everyone was asking about how everyone's life has been lately – catching up on some events that either happened to them personally or to someone that was collectively known. And I've tried, I've really tried, so hard to focus on what they're all saying, but I can't take my eyes off of Axel and how at ease he has been with my family. He nods and smiles as if he wasn't so damn nervous just three hours ago.

He laughs and I can barely hear anything other than him; they're all just noise crackling in the background. Heck, I don't even know what he was laughing about. All I know is that all of a sudden, I am captivated and in trance about how his hair flops perfectly as he moves his head, how his chest shakes up and down as he laughs so free, and how his lips part as he listens with pure intent. My focus remained solely on him and I'm in deep shit.

He cut through the meat with a steak knife, speared the small portion with a fork, and brought it to his mouth. Nodding as he chewed on it then grabbed the glass of water and brought it to his lips. He was wearing his watch in his right hand. I hadn't noticed that before.

"Lauren? Lauren!"

"What?" my head snapped in dad's direction.

"I was asking how things are with your new job."

"Right," I placed the fork down on the plate. "Well," I cleared my throat and tried to put all of my attention on my dad. "It's basically the same as before. Just plain old boring accounting stuff."

Hailey snorted, "Yeah, right, boring... She has told you that she went to Sydney and Manila, right? I'm so jealous."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that," Mom acknowledged. "Charlie sent me some photos. Axel, you were there too, correct?"

"Yes, um, we modeled for the Philippine Fashion Week. It was..." he paused trying to think of the appropriate word. "Memorable." He turned to me, "Right, Lauren?"

"Hmm?" my eyes moved from his lips to his eyes. I adjusted from my seat, taking my hand away from my chin, "Yeah. Yeah, it was."

"Well, that's nice," mom commented. "Has a lot changed since we've been there, Laurie?"

"Yeah, I'd say so. But not by much, I guess. The parks were still there. You know, the zoo and the one with the sea animals."

"Oh, yes, how could I forget? That's where your dad got kissed by a sea lion."

"Oh my God, Dad," Noelle laughed. "I remember you smelled like fish the entire day."

"Hey, that wasn't my fault," Dad replied.

"What's a sea lion, Mommy?" Xan whispered loud enough for us to hear.

"I'll show you a picture, Eloise," Axel nodded and typed away on his phone.

Xan smiled, a blush appearing on her cheeks. Oh my God, this guy's charms even work on kids.

He pulled up a photo from his phone and showed it to Xan, "Oh..." she held the phone tight in her small hands as she stared fascinated at the photo. Then she suddenly grimaced, "That kissed you, granddad?" She wrinkled her nose and everyone laughed at the cute expressions she made, unbelieving and utterly disgusted.

"Why did you call her 'Eloise'?" Dad asked Axel.

"Well," Noelle smacked her lips, answering for him. "She told him she goes by Eloise."

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