Savouring the taste,she downed another and another,enjoying its sweet,stinging aftertaste.

"I've never had champagne before" she clarified to a very much astonished Blake.

She giggled. She must have started feeling the effects of the amount of champagne she had put into her system.

Everywhere went quiet again and the speaker;Host stepped out onto the stage
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen,Distinguished guests from all over the world,our esteem founders and the rest of our lovely guests who took out time to make an appearance tonight."
The applause erupted.

He started with the introductions and acknowledgment of their most elite guests.

"Today,we have in our midst,one of the very glue that holds this company together.A prestigious man of honour and of course,as we all know one of the hottest bachelors on the planet.
Let's all welcome..Mr.Stone."

They were cheering and clapping .
"..And the lovely lady with him today,the one who's been on everyone's mind today,Miss Elizabeth Elliot"

They all cheered and applauded as the spotlight landed on her.Lizzy was nonplussed but curtsied nevertheless.

She took her seat and let out a sigh of relief.

There were some honorary mentions as well.

  After that,came the auction.
Different kinds of items that were placed in a show glass on stage and bids were raised.

The waiters passed out boards and markers to all the guests in the room.

It begun.
Three pieces of jewelries were bid at the starting price of three hundred thousand and counting.
  There were boards being raised and more being bid. With one much higher than the last.

Lizzy couldn't quite believe her ears,for a piece of jewelry people were ready to put down enough money to feed thousands of starving children all over the world.

But she accepted that, that the money would eventually go to charity.

The jewelries were sold at one million dollars to ...Blake's mother.

Apparently she was a  charitable person.

There were cheers and congratulatory remarks from everyone.

She stared straight at Lizzy,her eyes challenging,her lips in a sneer.Lizzy averted her eyes,afraid to decipher what her expression really meant.

Real estate houses were up.
And the starting bids were 3million dollars.And it was sold for 3.5million dollars to the man beside her,Blake.

The auction became heated with competitive bids everywhere,like they all wanted to prove who was better than the other no matter the cost.And in this case,thousands to million of dollars.

She squirmed in her seat as the stares came from everyone around the room when the last item to be displayed was announced.She realized she was the only one who hadn't put up a bid yet.

She tried to ignore them but she could already feel the heat creep up on her forehead.She felt a strong reassuring hand squeeze her thigh and she turned to look into the depths of his steely blue eyes which offered understanding in them.

He signaled towards the table and there was a check ,she glanced back to him quizzically but he nodded and smiled reassuringly.She gasped when she read the words scribbled on the check.

A check of 3 million dollars?

  'What the hell was she going to use this kind of money for?'

Then it clicked.

The bid was raised at a hundred thousand dollars.

  Boards were raised, three hundred thousand dollars,Lizzy fidgeted a little.

But remained silent.

"Three-fifty"was said by somone at the back of the room but she refused to react.

" four hundred "another said.
But she remained quiet.

" six hundred thousand dollars!"someone shot up and screamed.

"Do we hear six-fifty?" The announcer said goading people.The room went quiet.

"Going once..going twice.. S.."

"One million dollars" Lizzy raised her board.

Everyone gasped,muttering and staring.

"..Sold to Miss Elizabeth Elliot"
Cheers erupted throughout the room.
She smiled.

"Congratulations" Blake leaned in to whisper to her.

She looked up at him and he beamed proudly at her and she returned in kind.

Later on,meals were served and more champange were passed around.

Lizzy couldn't walk two steps without someone congratulating her or praising her for her smart wits and tactics.
All the while,Blake stood silently by her side beaming with pride and adoration of her beauty.

The rest of the night passed in a blur.

Have a lovely day❤.

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