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Jewel POV

I live in an orphanage as you may already know from before but I was here for all my life. "Jeweliana there will be a family coming here to adopt a girl so get ready they will be here at 12" Lilly the owner of the orphanage told me. I nodded and she left my room. I got up and got ready. I brushed my teeth, hair and put on some jeans and an orange t-shirt that's says 'it's all about the attitude' and added a purple beanie as a finishing touch. When I finished I walked around my room watching my wolf pictures on my wall. Oh yeah I haven't talked ever since I found out why I was in the orphanage, but I swear a lot in my head I learned them from the teenagers so I'm not scared just to yell it out at someone when they just piss me off.

Lauren POV

I'm so happy they found my long lost sister, Jeweliana. We are already heading towards the orphanage talking about what she would look like or what she would be like. It's a 2 and a half hour drive, why does she have to be sent to an orphan so far away? Oh well at least they found her and we can have her back. I was sitting in the back of the car not talking to anyone, I was just checking Twitter on my phone.

"Lauren are you okay?" I hear my mom say. I looked up at her and nodded. She gave a nod back and looked back foreword. I looked back at my phone and a couple of minutes later I see someone turned my phone off. Looked up at Taylor annoyed, she giggles and I started shouting "can you stop doing that you've been doing that for the past three mo-" I was cut off by my mom "Lauren! Stop it! We are almost there so calm down" she said as I calmed down and went back to Twitter.

Jewel POV

All of the girls and I were waiting in a room for the family to come. Everyone was talking but me. It was so loud in the room until I heard a knock on the front door and with the speed of sound everyone went quiet. "Anyone gonna get the door while I am getting the cookies?" Lilly asked and everyone looked at me. I groaned and headed to the door. I opened it revealing a family of 5 people but I see Lauren Jauregui with them 'I'm guessing it's her family' I said in my head. I let them to the room everyone was in, and I sat down on the side. Why is Lauren here? Who is her family? Thanks to my friends I only know everything about Lauren not her family. All these questions popped up in my head.

"Jeweliana.." I snapped out of my thoughts to see Lilly waving in my face. I looked at her and nodded. "The Jauregui family wants to talk to you" I nodded and followed them to another room. I sat down on a chair across from them, I looked down at my hands and I was snapped out of my thoughts "Jeweliana.." I looked at mrs Jauregui confused. "Jeweliana you were taken from us when you were just a baby through the years Lauren couldn't sleep just thinking of what would have happened to you, but 3 days ago when they too us they found you Lauren finally had a normal sleep, Taylor wouldn't stop annoying Chris and Lauren, and Chris well he doesn't really come down to dinner he is always stuck in his room doing nothing" she said I was wondering why would they even care? they let me get taken so why do they even love me? Why do they want me back? I mean three kids is enough right? Right?

My head turned to Lauren she had tears coming out of her eyes. I hate seeing people sad. I slowly got up to my feet and hugged Lauren a couple of minutes later and slowly hugged back. I can feel her her smile growing wider every minute and so was mine.

I broke our long hug and she let me sit on her lap. "So Jeweliana do you want to home with us?" Mr Jauregui asked as I nodded only to make them happy not me, I care more about others than myself. I hear Lilly open the door and said "Jeweliana you dropped this" she said revealing my beanie. Lauren stared at my with wide eyes as I went to go a take it from Lilly lip sinking 'thank you' to her and walked back to Lauren. "Well then let's go home!" Mr Jauregui said excitedly. I stood up from Lauren's lap and headed to my room. I knew Lauren was following me to my room.

I opened my room and got my bag from under my bed and started packing my clothes and Melody my teddy bear when I squeeze it it says "your worth it" and it has a big red heart on its tummy. I turned around to see Lauren holding all my wolf posters in her hand and handed it to me, I put all the posters in my bag and closed it. I put my bag on my back and walked out of the room with Lauren right behind me.

We walked down stairs to see the rest of the Jauregui family waiting for us. We all were heading for the door until I stopped and turned around "Jeweliana what's wrong?" Mrs Jauregui asked, I went over to Lilly and hugged her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you too Jeweliana okay it's time for you to go have fun over there okay" she said and I nodded running to Lauren as she picked me up.

I know Lauren is my big sister but I feel like there is something about her I like the most in her. We got in a seven seater car putting me in the back seat with Lauren. We sat silently as went went to my new home, I sat in a uncomfortable seat for almost two and a half hours, when are we getting there? I asked myself. I think Lauren saw my expression sitting on the uncomfortable seat "hey relax we are almost there" I heard her say which made me look at her I just nodded and look back foreword.

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