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They were setting up decorations in the front yard when Hazel broke down coughing.

"Hazel, Hazel, are you okay?", Annabeth asked.

"I'm okay, everything is fine.", Hazel slowly stood.

Annabeth wasn't dumb, she knew Hazel wasn't fine, but she didn't want to argue or ask if she should call Will, she didn't want to annoy Hazel.

Nico and Will had just adopted two kids, a boy and a girl, one of them were 12, the other one was 6.

Annabeth also noticed something about Piper, she looked sick as well, sneezing and coughing every now and then, and by the end of the day, they'd all have this cold.

They set up a graveyard, the zombie from Hocus Pocus (thanks to Hazel and Calypso compromising and took a decoration and turned it into that), coming out of the graveyard, a small fence around it with a sign on it that read 'Come little children, I'll take thee away', along with three witch decorations decorated like the Sanderson sisters.

"Wow, okay this looks awesome.", Leo muttered.

"Yeah.", Piper sniffed.

"Let's go inside, I'll make some coffee.", Annabeth said.

"Sure.", Hazel said.

Annabeth looked at her friends, judging by the looks of it, Piper, Hazel, and Calypso all were sick.

"Wow I'm good.", Annabeth muttered.

"What do you mean?", Piper asked.

"All three of you girls are sick, only Hazel had mentioned it.", Annabeth muttered.

"Oh, heck I'm out.", Leo said.

"Where are you going?", Calypso asked.

"Dunno, maybe the moon....", Leo nodded thoughtfully.

"I'm sure you would do wonderful at running away, you're staying here.", Calypso pulled Leo inside.

"Nooo, the house is contaminated.", Leo whined.

"Oh shut up.", Calypso said, "Or no chandelier."

As if he'd forgotten about it, he got a ladder and climbed onto the chandelier.

"No daycare is going to take our kids for over a weekend, maybe we should send them to places like Lacy, Mitchell, and Drew's house.", Piper said.

"Drew?", Leo asked.

"Yeah sherlock, Drew, she knows lots about kids, Leo yours can go to Nyssa's house, and Aidan can go to Nico and Will's part-time home (they're there for 2 weeks), and Reyna took Jackie with her.", Piper suggested.

"Sure.", They agreed.


By the end of the day, everyone had gotten sick.

"You're torturing me Hazelll", Leo whined from the top of his chandelier.

"Not my fault you were close to me all day.", Hazel said.

Leo jumped off the chandelier and landed on the couch.

"Can we do something to make everyone else confused?", Annabeth asked.

"Like..?'', Piper asked.

"I dunno, like decorate the inside of the house, and then like, make them concerned by the fact we made their house a whole new thing.", Annabeth shrugged.

"And we have like 5 buckets worth of decorations.", Hazel said.

"7.", Piper corrected.

They got to work, putting up fake spider webs, and signs, lights wrapped all around the railings, little pumpkins, and fake dead flowers on the mantle.

"Wow.", Hazel said, "The pure talent."

"Pure talent indeed my short friend.", Leo said.

"I'm an inch shorter than you.", Hazel said.

"Short.", Leo smiled.

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