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They worked on the balcony for a solid half-hour, Hazel designing things to put on it, Annabeth rearranging things and putting them in good spots. They worked until Piper called them down for lunch. 

Piper had cooked burgers, a lot of them. "Who's going to eat all these?" Annabeth asked.

"Dunno, Percy might," Piper said.

"Hey, they aren't blue, why would I eat them?'' Percy said.

"You're hungry."

"I am?" 


Percy shrugged and bite into a burger, clearly, they were good because he did eat three.

Annabeth held Ashlyn, she had begun to grow hair, her hair was dark like Percy's, but had some curl in it. 

"It's been four months," Will said. "You barely acknowledged us, we feel offended!"

"We do?" Nico asked.

"Yes, we do Nico."

Hazel laughed "Well, sorry, we were kind of busy with our children.

"That's right." Piper said.

They talked for a bit, then there was a knock on the door, Annabeth opened it and was surprised by what she saw.


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