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Well then.
It appears that Thalia was a mother now and Reyna was the other mom, but we already knew that.
Thalia grabbed Artemis' shoulder and spun her around.
"Lady Artemis I-." She started.
"Thalia, I know you did nothing. I am not mad at you."
"Yes but-." She tried to speak again.
"Stay here with the baby, get to know her, she is your daughter, if I need anything I'll tell you."
"Okay but-."
"I'm already gone." Artemis said while quite literally disappearing.
Thalia stood in a stunned silence.
"You heard her, let's get to know your child." Reyna said.
They went to the other room to talk and Hazel sat holding Aidan. Over the course of about five months, Aidan was growing so much. Hazel felt so happy to finally have some alone time with her. One second Hazel would be holding Aidan singing her a lullaby, the next Aidan would be graduating from college.
Hazel was so proud to be a mother. Her entire life she struggled to even figure out who she was. She had lived twice, that wasn't so easy, she worked her hardest. Now it finally payed off with a gorgeous girl.

Hazel fell asleep with Aidan.
Finally she could fall asleep without a child crying.

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