Chapter 5

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"I'm so sorry about what's happening between you two. If it really is my fault, I can step down, Kuvira," Akemi stated, her palms holding her cheeks as she heard Kuvira walk by her. She was sitting on a bench outside the Great Uniter's bedroom. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked up at Kuvira's unchanged face. The leader's other hand metalbent the door open and led the two of them inside, sliding it shut behind them.

"This has nothing to do with you. He's always been immature, and for a while now, I've started to question how much I even loved him from the start. And if I ever really did. Things moved a little too fast with the engagement; I guess it was part of the happy rush we got when we converted more and more cities into Earth Empire territory. I just can't tolerate his behaviour towards you, too. It's unfair," she explained, herself shocked that she seemed to care about fairness. The look on Akemi's face proved that she was somewhat shocked by the same thing.

"I see how you might've gotten too caught up in the adrenaline rush of things. Maybe you should take it a little slower. Give him his space, and you have yours. Maybe he is and maybe he isn't the one for you, but you've got bigger things to focus on at the moment, with your big speech and all coming tomorrow!" Akemi responded, her eyes simmering with warmth and sincerity, "I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but I'll be by your side not only as a P.A. and guard, but also as your friend. My eyes are peeled for you and my ears ready to listen anytime you need it, Kuvira!"

The whole time, Kuvira's hand remained on Akemi's shoulder, though by the end of Akemi's response, her hand had slid past the shoulder, with Kuvira's forearm fully resting on her companion. "Thank you, Akemi. You're a special one." No one had spoken to her as warmly since... Well, since Bataar was less annoying and awkward a year ago.

"Do you need me for anything else?" Akemi asked, interrupting Kuvira's wandering thoughts.

"No, it's alright. Where do you sleep, by the way? Carriage four, is it?"

"Yeah, to the left as you walk down."
"We'll see about upgrading you somewhere closer after the whole coronation thing tomorrow," Kuvira smiled.

The pair parted and said their goodnights. Kuvira let out an exhausted sigh as she metalbent the door shut. Everyone knew to never disturb her when she was in her bedroom, unless it was absolutely urgent. It was past 10pm. She dropped her clothes to the floor and motioned for the shower. Whilst in there, her thoughts could not stop lingering on today's events, but specifically, Akemi. "Hmf," she said, wiping soap from her eyes, "I wonder... Is she?"

Kuvira had heard about Akemi since she was about four months into her mission to restabilise the Earth Kingdom. Akemi was the new talk of the town, both in Zaofu and Republic City. She was very well educated, particularly taking an interest in invention and architecture, as far as Kuvira knew from Akemi's recruitment interview. She has one amazing brain... She grew up in the Fire Nation, being trained as a bending prodigy, but moved to pursue her design career in Republic City. She was somehow related to that local industrialist Sato, but actually came to be well known as Firelord Izumi's go-to urban consultant, who often visited Republic City to contribute to its development. Lucky for Akemi, around the time of her move, President Raiko had recommended her to Kuvira while she was tasked with restabilising the Earth Kingdom in the interim period leading up to Prince Wu's coronation. Kuvira recruited her after hearing how adept Akemi was at military design and urban regeneration. Just what she needed to introduce order.

Mmmm... Kuvira moaned to herself. She was increasingly interested in Akemi. She had this charm about her in just every way. And now, she had Akemi almost all to herself, following her every order. She had her close.

Dripping, Kuvira stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a fuzzy towel. She was about to get dressed... But her senses were heightened. She had thought a little too much about Akemi while in the shower.

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