Chapter 31

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T/W: Graphic descriptions. This is mentioned right before those paragraphs as well, just as a reminder.

"If you'd listened to me, we WOULDN'T be in this situation right now." Sen hissed at Ran as they snuck out of the mecha's cranium with the help of Ran's metalbending, "And we can't just leave him there..." She elaborated, pointing at the third control room operator who was still unconscious from their fight with Mako and Iroh.

"If we don't move now, we'll be detained like everyone else, so just GO." He snapped back at her as he earthbent a large hole in the ground, "Get in." He instructed, earning a bewildered look from Sen.

"Umm... No? You want me to get into this HOLE?" She asked as they crouched down behind the massive metal skull. Two other Earth Empire guards began crawling their way, presumably to take shelter with them.

"We can't go far now with everyone around us. We'll just have to hide out for some time until we see AND hear that the coast is clear."

"I agree." One of the two Earth Empire guards added, "The patrol mechas have spread out to look for Kuvira, I think Guan joined them, but without the rest of the troops, we'll be outnumbered. It's better to hide out for now."

Ran looked at Sen with a 'See? He agrees with me' kind of expression as he listened to the guard. In the meantime, they could hear Tenzin calling out Korra's name with haste.

"You go. I'll just turn myself in if I get caught." Sen resisted as she turned around to make a run for it in the opposite direction. Before she could move, Ran grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back.

"I don't think so. If YOU get caught, then they'll force you to spill where we are too. You're coming with." He asserted while the other two guards climbed down the dark pit.

"You don't get it, I'm CLAUSTROPHOBIC, Ran!! I don't CARE! I know I've committed a crime by partaking in the destruction of the city, so I'd rathe-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was dragged down into the pit despite her physical resistance, and Ran swiftly sealed the top so that they could remain hidden for the time being. Although she'd conceded, she huffed and puffed in order to calm herself down.

"Stay quiet." He whispered to the group, arrogantly taking charge of the situation though no one had asked him to.

Sen hated to admit that in this case, he was right, and hiding was the best option for now. The damp and pitch black space expectedly overwhelmed her, though she tried to remain calm and resist bending her way out of there.

A hatch that was located on the giant mecha's waist burst open as Ikuyo guided Lin, Mako, Bolin and General Iroh out. Bolin, who was supporting Iroh by the shoulder on their way out, instantly gasped as he turned to look at the source of golden-green light that shone in their direction.

"Look!" He exclaimed, garnering the group's attention as he did so.

As the group climbed out from between the mecha's exploded limbs in awe, they encountered Tenzin and his family, who were equally as stunned.

"A new spirit portal..." The older master airbender exclaimed, watching as spirits - that Republic City had begun to familiarise itself with since Harmonic Convergence - gushed out of the tall beam of spirit light that shot into the sky and pierced the aether beyond.

Lin placed her hand on Tenzin's shoulder as she also took in the breathtaking and bewildering scene. To avoid fully distracting him from the moment, she spoke in a lower tone and explained, "Do you know where they are? We'd better look for them..."

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