Chapter 1

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Kuvira bellowed a moan that could be heard all the way from the ground floor of the Four Elements hotel. Her pussy pulsating, her pelvis propelling, pushing forward onto Akemi's tongue, warm love oozing into the grasp of her givers' lips.

The Uniter's grip tore through Akemi's long, winding and soft curls as they sprung up and down with each bobbing motion of her head, her tongue still refusing to let go of her leader's clit. Off into a second wave of euphoria, Kuvira gasped a high-pitched, feminine moan as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her mouth agape and her thighs and arms trembling. She gradually looked down as the wave crashed softer and softer into the distance, finally locking her drooping eyes with Akemi's; golden, and seductively beaming with a cheeky nature.

The leader let out a sensitive sigh that came along with a powerful yet soft, small smile. As Akemi pulled back from Kuvira's core, her hands running down along the inside of Kuvira's thighs and her mouth dripping of cum, their eyes still locked. Her boss slid down the wall into a crouch, cupping one of her hands on Akemi's left cheek, whilst she tangled the other between the comfort of Akemi's soft chestnut curls. "Are you mine?" Kuvira asked her.

On the Earth Empire train towards Republic City. Kuvira and her Earth Empire entourage are on their way to Prince Wu's coronation; Kuvira anticipates her well-prepared announcement.

"It's crazy how fast Kuvira's got you climbing her ranks. Soon enough you'll be in that inner circle," Ju rolled his eyes, proud yet a little jealous of his new interest Akemi.

"Hmf, well yeah, I don't know, I just do my thing and do what I have to!" Akemi responded, a little taken aback.
"Well you do have a great personality, Akemi. I'm sure she's just happy to have someone that's as smart, skilled AND funny as you working for her!!" Bolin encouraged her. "It's only been about a month or two, yet since then the energy of this train's turned around so much!! And I don't mean that cause of Varrick's spirit vines; it's your own good energy!"

"Look Bolin, we all know your combo of sweet and... unintentionally? funny attitude is what lights this whole place up! It can be grim sometimes... Kinda like today," she sulked. Bataar Jr. had been constantly telling her off the past four days, generally without a good reason. Whether it had been because she had been eating noodles during work shifts or laughing a little too loud with Bolin, Ju and Varrick during their breaks, he couldn't seem to keep his eye off her. And not in a good way.

"GUYS!! Take a look at these goggles I just accidentally made!" Varrick boomed from the other end of the train carriage as the door shut behind him, wobbling towards them holding a pair of dusty, purple goggles, his hair shooting up in dusty spikes. "Zhu Li pushed me towards the spirit vine mega test tube we're currently rejigging, and my goggles fell in through the open top, and I hadn't realised, so I spent about forty minutes looking for them when then I realised that they had actually fallen inside, and then I tried grabbing them with my hand, it zapped me hence my hair, and then I got them and then the lenses turned purple!!" he rambled at three words per second.

"Actually, sir, you tripped upwards over your own foot and they fell in," Zhu Li corrected him. "Pushed, tripped, same thing Zhu Li!!! Thanks a lot, way to spoil a riveting story!!" Varrick pouted.

"Riveting..." Ju began to mock, before Bataar Jr. interrupted.

"I hear TOO much yelling and NOT enough WORKING!" he attempted to intimidate with his monotonous intonation. "AKEMI!! You really are starting to work yourself UP the crack of my ass."

"Glad to see I'm working up the ranks in this joint," she rolled her eyes with her arms crossed. A deep chuckle could be heard from somewhere behind Bataar, the shadow of Kuvira emerging slowly with a strong gaze and an impressed smirk.

"You're a tough one, Akemi. I like that. Come speak to me in private in about an hour."

Akemi's heart jolted, from a flirtatious fear more than from anything else.

"You got it, Great Uniter. ...I-is everything alright?" she asked.

"All is very well, Akemi. Please do finish organising the mecha spreadsheets for Zaofu. We may have to prepare for a tough negotiation." Kuvira motioned for the door, submitting Bataar to her exit along the way. Akemi thought she had caught a wink for just a moment there, but she wasn't sure. Things were getting a little weird on this train. Had they been zipping through cities for too long without enough rest on land? Was she just getting a little fed up with her duties? Or was Kuvira getting a little more... interesting... in her eyes?

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