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⚠️panic attack and vomit⚠️
This one was requested by DianaFarabi thanks for reading!

He felt the force of the jet landing and jerked awake. Damn it. He hadn't meant to fall asleep but the endless flights he'd been on were starting to take a toll. Glancing at the Stark pad on the table he groaned, he'd meant to finish the SI emails Pepper had sent him on this flight. Which meant that he couldn't pass out in bed the second he got back.

Grabbing his things, which was really just his coat and the Stark pad, he exited the jet. For the past four weeks he has done nothing but work. With a flight every other day he hasn't had time to himself. Which means he hasn't had time to come to terms with what happened in Siberia.

Waving a goodbye and muttering a thank you to his pilot he headed to the car.

"Hey Tony, you look horrible" Happy greeted.

"Thanks Hap, always a pleasure" he mumbled, climbing into the passenger seat, as it was closer. Happy shut the door and got into the drivers seat, a little confused because Tony hates others driving him. He didn't say anything though because to be quite honest, Tony looked like he'd fall asleep at the wheel.

He started the drive back to stark towers and peaked across at Tony. He was tapping away on the Stark pad, but slower than he usually did. Concern grew in Happy's features, he had been joking before, but now he realized Tony really didn't look good. He had dark circles around his eyes and he looked thinner than the last time he'd seen him. Probably all the work. Happy thought as he pulled up to the tower.

"Thanks hap" Tony mumbled, Happy thought he heard a slight rasp to his words.

"Of course, and take care of yourself Tones"

"Will do happy, will do" yep definitely raspy.

"Welcome back Sir" Jarvis greeted as tony entered the lab.

"Hey j-"

"It appears that your blood pressure is low and scans show you are slightly malnourished. Records prove you haven't slept more than three hours every few days in the past four weeks"

"Jesus J, I haven't even sat down yet and your attacking me"

"Your voice is also displaying symptoms that lead my sensors to believe that you are getting sick. Oh and sitting down would be a good idea"

"Yeah, I'll sit" he all but collapsed against the couch in the lab. Sighing deeply.

"Incoming call from James Rhodes"

"Put him through" Tony mumbled against the cushions.

"Great news Tones, the UN has looked over your proposal and have decided to pardon the Rogues"

"Really?" He asked, sitting more upright. This is what he'd been working towards, losing sleep for.

"Yeah, a jets coming to bring you to Wakanda so you can talk to them" there was a pause, "should I come with you"

"No, no Rhodes I've got it. It'll be fine"

"But Tony you haven't faced what happened in Siberia yet. What if it all comes back when you see Barnes and Rogers?"

"It's not Barnes, it wasn't his fault"

"Yeah, but Rogers. And you'll be withought Jarvis." He sighed, "alright but call me if it becomes too much ok?"

"Ok Platypus"

"Good lucky T"

"Thanks, see you soon"

Tony stark//one shots Where stories live. Discover now