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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ this one shot has very detailed scenes with self harm, although they are not 'real'. It also talks about feeling out of place, and like this world is not real, which I know can trigger a lot of people with paranoi, DID, anxiety and more. Please read at your own risk and if you do read enjoy, if not it's your choice!! Love you all!

"You're going to be ok" Tony heard voices, but he could t pin point their location.

"Why tony?" A broken voice asked and he suddenly found himself in a strange room. A stinging alerted him to his wrists. Large horizontal lines were carved into them and blood was dripping down his hands. When did I do this?

The scene switched and he was in a weird auditorium, it seemed to be his old middle school but different. His wrists were bandaged, he noticed Rhodes, Natasha and Bruce about twenty rows in front. The rest of the seats were filled by random people. He looked to his left and saw Steve, he didn't say anything and kept looking forwards. The 'bell' rang and he got up, although he didn't remember moving. I have to get to Italian, why? He turned to the left and headed up the stairs. He met Clint along the way and they walked together.

"Yeah so it was so weird right?"

"Yeah haha, so weird" Tony responded not understanding the conversation. When he reached the top he realized he was in some kind of observatory. There was a massive telescope and everyone had clipboards ready to write. Not italian.

He turned and jumped down, to discover the five story tower was actually about three feet off the ground. He landed softly and ran, ducking behind a curtain he raced out into the lobby. Passing. The security desk and taxi up the stairs to the right. Before he stepped up the scene switched and he was back in the first room.

He woke up panting, almost as if he had actually been running.

"What the fuck" he swore, he had no idea what just happened but it felt real.

Tony turned and kicked his legs off the edge of the bed resting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

Why did he feel like this? Like what, I don't know how I feel. Wait why don't I know how I feel, like I actually can't pinpoint my emotion.

"Sir, are you alright?" Asked Jarvis.

"Yeah" he stood on shaky legs, " let's get to work"

He walked out of his room after changing and stopped by the kitchen for coffee.

"Hey Tony" Steve greeted, "sleep well"

"No" Tony mumbled hitting the button for dark roast.

"Why?" Steve asked, putting the butter away and giving tony his full attention.

"I don't know, like I physically can not pinpoint how I feel cap. I had a weird dream" I slit my own wrists and now it feels like I need to. I don't want to die, I don't even want to self harm. Why do I feel like I need to. Maybe if I do I can escape this reality and find the real one. Why am I so anxious all of a sudden, god my chest is so tight.

"Tony?" Steve asked, "you with me"

"I- Don't know" he muttered, grabbing his coffee and leaving for the lab.

"That was definitely weird" Steve said to himself.

"What was weird?" Natasha asked from behind him.

"Oh hey. Tony, He said he had a weird dream and can't pinpoint his emotion. Then he kind of just zoned out, I asked if he was with me as a joke and he said I don't know"

Tony stark//one shots Where stories live. Discover now