Pain killer

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⚠️TW: minor drug addiction without it really being an addiction⚠️

The pain came and went.
Some days it was alright, just a slight ache, ie. nothing to worry about. He was used to it.

Unfortunately he was used to the bad days as well, though he needed a little something to help. And no it's not what you're thinking, it wasn't recreational drugs. It was actually a small orange bottle of prescription drugs. It was Ultram, or more scientifically tramadol. A drug used to treat and manage pain.

He wasn't addicted, he wouldn't admit to that because in actuality it wasn't true. He was simply dependent on the drug on certain occasions. Never taking it more than once a day, and rarely more than once a week. He hated the drowsiness that always accompanied the pain relief. So most of the time he'd try and power through the flame licking his heart. Only turning to the medication when he could hardly breathe.

No one else knew, besides pepper of course. Oh and Rhodey but he'd found out on accident when Tony had collapsed before reaching the pills. To Tony's liking he hadn't pushed to talk too much, he figured that Rhodey put two and two together and realized the drugs were for his arc.

The arc that started it all, and almost ended it all. So nice that the thing keeping his heart beating was also destroying him slowly. Not with palladium poisoning anymore, thanks to his element, but with pain. There was only so much pain the human body could face before it snaps.

"Shit!" He gasped out when he missed the edge of the gauntlet and smacked his thumb with the hammer. "Shit, oh my god that does not feel good shit!"

"Sir if I may, DUM-E is currently trying to bring you an ice pack. And I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that your thumb is simply bruised, not broken"

"Thanks J" he said, grimacing at the bruises already forming.

He watched as DUM-E managed to bring the icepack without making a mess. He patted the claw with his good hand and the bot beeped happily. He smiled and shook his head before placing the cool material over the bruised thumb.

"J? Where'd I put the cool and compression wrap?" He asked, standing up and using one hand to hold the ice on the other.

"The cupboard to the left below the sink sir"

"Thank you J" he nodded, heading towards the cabinet in question. The ice was placed on the counter and he grabbed the package of stark made compression wraps. Tearing off enough for his thumb and carefully wrapping it, "J cool it to the right temp please"

"On it sir" the fabric around his thumb started to cool and it soothes the throbbing of the bruised bone.

He began walking back towards the lab table again when the alarms blared. "Lovely, what is it now J?"

"Sir, it's a call to meet from Fury. He wants everyone in the helicarrier, but sir by my calculations you're due for a 'bad day' sometime soon, please consider not going"

"Damn, I would J. But you know how Fury is..." he trailed off, even the AI knew how overbearing the captain could be. The red and gold suit formed around his body, clicking snugly into place. He fired up the thrusters and shot through the exit hatch and into the sky.

The world blending into greens, whites and blues as he soared toward the carrier.

The suits boots touched down smoothly and the face plate lifted. He told J to dismantle the suit and it retracted into his wrist watches. Nano particles had been tricky but were incredibly useful.

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