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       📍Written by → @toxicjoonz

🔞⌇Contains mature content and a lot of violence
🥊⌇Don't copy or repost my work

                      Author's pov

There he stood in front of him, the man in his early fifties yet looked as if he was just in his mid forties, a very handsome man, indeed his father, none other than Mr. Jeon.

"Why did you do it, father?" He asked in a surprisingly calm tone, which made his father furrow his arched eyebrows but it didn't even take a full moment for him to realise that y/n must have told him about all the tracheries, that his father befall upon her.

"What did I do, son?" He put emphasis on the word 'son', as if he was reminding him that who was his blood and who he should trust—-someone to talk about trust, eh?

"I don't really know in detail dad, except the torturous acts that you did on the only woman I ever set my eyes on to make my life partner—" Jungkook was on the verge of lashing his anger out but stopped as his father bashes his palm on the surface of his metallic desk.

"Life partner? What bullshit? Love? What a crappy word! She never loved you Jungkook, she never did. These women only know how to get their work done, nothing else. They aren't capable of handling the word 'loyalty', only we men are. And no way in hell I am letting you get heartbroken in future when she cheats on you! They are just supposed to satisfy us. Period!" His dad exclaimed while throwing his hands in the air.

Jungkook sadly smiled and looked down at his hands,

"Are you talking about me? Or yourself dad?" Jungkook looked at him and found nothing but expressionless face belonging to his father, but now? He knew expressionless faces way too much than ever. No canvas is blank, sometimes that white is what holds the painting, who said white isn't a color?

"You know dad, I always doubted that you never loved my mother, and it got confirmed that day, when she died and you still went to your office like nothing happened. I for a short time thought it was your way to grief but boy if I wasn't wrong.

But as I grew up, I understood that it was arranged marriage, nothing more nothing less, two strangers living together and doing what society expects them to, produce a kid and you are free to do whatever you want to. There was no 'love' in between you two, I never once saw you both laughing together or even acknowledging each other more than doing your daily chores.

I didn't know much about it but now I know.

But dad, y/n is not Ms. Esabelle, she is y/n, my y/n. Yes, I know about Ms. Esabelle, and guess who searched about her? Y/n.

You picked up y/n from the streets because of her eyes, her eyes that had fire, wasn't it same as Ms. Esabelle? Badass just like her? You adored her like your own daughter, you helped her grow, you trained her harder than any of us. But I don't think it was because of your 'love' for me, as damn, you were ready to kill me, eh?

Ugh, you wanted revenge on Ms. Esabelle? Y/N IS NOT ESABELLE.


YOU let her get close to me, YOU USED ME AS A PAWN, you were waiting for her to fall for me, deep inside you knew y/n was different, she is not a cheater like Esabelle. As soon as she fell in love with me...YOU MADE ME THINK THAT SHE LEFT ME JUST LIKE ESABELLE LEFT YOU.

You tortured my y/n, you tortured y/n thinking she is Esabelle, you tried to avenge your heart.

But Mr. Jeon...she is my y/n. You didn't take your revenge in actuality, because Esabelle is another person, you are still the man who got cheated on, and...you are also the man who hurt his own child, his own son to play his sick games and quench his thirst for his so-called revenge.

You weren't planning her to kill either, because you could never kill Esabelle, hence you couldn't kill y/n...but you could kill your own son to hurt her?

You didn't try to kill me because you didn't want me to think bad of you, you wanted to kill me because you wanted to HURT HER.

You are some sick b😷astard." Jungkook vomited everything he had been trying to digest, the moment he got to know about all the past of his father.

🗓 > Flashback
🕰  | |  7 hours before...in the morning

His eyes fluttered open as he felt something warm  nuzzling in the crook of his neck—-someone warm.he looked a bit down and an instant smile was placed on his face, as he saw y/n cuddling into him.

His precious bunny smile was finally in the view after a long wait, as he finally had something which he dreamt every time he closed his eyes, someone that he wished for every second he existed since he met her, someone he wanted to spend his time—dusk till dawn. She was here, his beautiful illustration of beauty and peace...coexisting together.

"It is rude to stare." Jungkook's smile never left his puckered lips as he reminisced about the flashback again, with only difference that they were clothed this time. Just y/n in his clothes as she couldn't sleep in the dress.

Their whole night went in chatting, stealing kisses here and there, laughing and giggling at catching up, whispering love yous and sorrys as they shared their feelings and talked about the times they spent apart from each other, just pouring their heart to each other, and soon they fell asleep...in the arms they longed for.

"Hmm, but now you are officially mine baby. I am going to wear you out by staring as much as I want." Jungkook said while peppering kisses all over her face as he rolled her on her back and hovered over her.

"I guess I like rude people." Y/n said while giggling as the kisses felt ticklish

Just then her phone rang, making Jungkook groan and as he saw the contact name, he pouted even more and rolled off to the other side of bed on his back, making y/n laugh out loud.

"Yah, don't laugh, I am trying not to hate your best friends anymore, but trust me, they aren't making it any easier, always spoiling our moments. Hmph!" He pouted even more making y/n feel herself melting. She rolled off to his side and straddled his lap, making him automatically place his huge hands in her waist to support her. Y/n picked up the phone and put it on speaker, keeping her handset on his chest as she was sitting on his stomach.

"Aish, hope you had good s💃🏻x but time to come out of your bubble bebo, we got all the fudging information about that old man Jeon.

And I hope you have told that guy everything, otherwise I swear I am going to punch you. Sometimes it feels as if he loves you more than we do, but then again, it is impossible." Taehyung scoffed at last and Jimin's laugh being audible, Jimin took the phone Taehyung and spoke,

"Anyways y/n-ah, leaving this Alien's monologue about out, it is serious and hell lot of twisted. It is better if you read it on your own. Alan has sent all the information he dug up and...I got chills I swear. And hope you got good D, though our threesome dreams are shattered. Aish, I am getting emotional because of that, I am hanging up, bye." And just like that Jimin cut off the phone. Y/n rolled her eyes as she was quite habitual to them but Jungkook was rather shocked.

He couldn't understand that they were telling something serious about his father or flirting with y/n or just joking around about their best friend's s🐙xual life or threatening to punch her...or was actually admiring Jungkook's love.

Y/n sighed and patted Jk's broad chest,

"You will get used to it, kook, took me years."

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