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                  📍Written by → @toxicjoonz

🔞⌇Contains mature content and a lot of violence
🥊⌇Don't copy or repost my work


                      Author's pov

🗓 > Present
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You wouldn't fulfill our wishes just for that. Yes it may be difficult to find those places but no Mr. Kim, you were once the student of someone I know very well, and I think you are learning his tricks." Y/n completed her sentence full of suspiciousness, Namjoon let out a small smirk, acknowledging y/n's abilities without any shame.

"You are right Ms. Ashley." Namjoon spoke while standing up and walking to the other end of the table, his fingers working magic on a blank white wall but as soon as his fingerprints came in contact with the high technology touch sensor screen, the whole white wall turned into a big touch screen TV. Namjoon once more giving his thumbprint, he backed out a little, letting screen show the inner structures of the buildings which were taken as possible hideouts of the terrorists they were looking for.

"You see these places? These places are guarded by highly trained underground dogs, which makes us quite sure that these places must be one of their hideouts. The problem is that these people don't care about government warnings at all, of course. But we, the government, cannot directly k!ll them even in the name of survival in that many quantities.

Yes we have our own bounty hunters but as you said, they do play with our rules, they also cannot k!ll on spot without permission. But these people are not innocent...I am not even getting into the trafficking they do...of let's just say humans.

That's why I asked for you guys' help. Top people in this game who aren't afraid of anyone as well, who don't care about the government but their mission and the good deeds they carry in their heart." Namjoon just finished his speech and was about to polish it but y/n scoffed—

"You just want minimum liabilities Mr. Kim. You won't need to take our responsibility that's why you want us to do it. You, your people, and your bounty hunters, y'all will have to take responsibility in some place but not if we do it for you.

As usual, being as selfish as you people ever can be." Y/n ruffled her hair back while letting out a dry chuckle.

"First you don't tell us that we will find...him here. Then you want us to do the core work and actually let our identity in front of the whole country." Taehyung shook his head in frustration while grunting these words out.

"You seriously playing tricks on us eh?" Jimin asked and his dominant pissed off aura was out now, which made y/n a bit conscious of it as she knew how bad could it get if Taehyung and Jimin both got angry.

Jungkook realized that the trio wasn't told the main thing at all. He knew very well how much y/n had hated rules from the start, she could only think about breaking them, which was one of the core reasons he felt weirdly attracted to her in the first place.

"We all will also be going in the mission with y'all." Jungkook finally spoke in attempt to break the tension which was only getting thicker in the blocked room while the other members—Yoongi, Seokjin and Hoseok didn't even have an idea what was happening except that Yoongi could make out that something was definitely fishy between y/n and their leader.

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