An eye for an eye - Part 1

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"Darling are you up? If you aren't you need to hurry, otherwise you are going to be late. We both know that today is an important day, don't we?" The phone starts ringing. "Pick it up darling, I've got to leave now!"

"I am coming down mom, You don't have to wake everyone around." I went into the shower to have a long and a warm bath. I just jumped out of the shower when I heard my phone blaring and dried myself up quickly.

I ran to the room and checked out who it was. It was Emma, my college mate and also my best friend ever since First grade. She was only and my closest friend I ever found. The best thing about us is that we are inseparable of friends and our thoughts always sink well with each other.

We went to the same college now, and did the same subjects. I answered the phone and told her that I would come walking today since I didn't want her to face detention for being late for a continuous dozen days. Yes and it was all because of me staying up late trying to overthink about stuff that can now never be fixed right again.

It hadn't always been this way, it all goes back to that summer weekend at my grandma's place where the tragedy of my brother's death hit me hard. It had been my summer holidays and as usual with the beginning of my holidays, we were off to my granny's, but the last trip there was the strangest one ever.

I was walking down the alley with a few of my friends to the summer fair to eat some mulberry pies which is the famous pie in that town. It was a sunny and yet a pleasant morning with the birds singing around and having their own conversation. We walked to the fair hurriedly to enjoy the different games and events although it was the same ones every year.

I hurriedly walked into the fair to participate in all the events. Once everything was over I was back on my way home, I was being late for my summer conference call with my friends back at high school. This was sort of a ritual among us, to treasure our friendship. It usually happened midway of summer but this time it was decided to be early.

So I was running my way back until I tripped onto the wires that controlled the dunk the man ,a target game, it was a game where a person sat on a wooden slab atop a bucket, once you hit the target the person sitting on the slab seat would be dunked. When I tripped I pushed a man who was having a jumbo cup of cold drinks. The cup slipped hold from his hand and all its contents splashed onto the wire circuit disrupting it, little did I know it was the circuit that controlled all the events at the fair. Immediately there was a short and the electricity went off. A few technicians were informed about this, and they said they would fix it but due to some emergency work that they had, they would be an hour late.

I was held back as they assumed I was a fugitive person, I told them I had to be somewhere else but they weren't buying my response. After a lot of apologizing and negotiations they let me go, yes I had to agree to pay the cost only then they'll let me leave. As soon as I saw my chance to leave I took off at an unbelievable speed, this was how I remembered the story to be. Finally, I could see the entrance to my cottage , I hurried my way up the stairs taking two at a time since I was already thirty minutes late due to my careless accident.

I crashed into my bed and clicked on the link, once I joined we had a lively conversation going and I had to relate everything about the accident for being late. After about an hour we were out of things to talk about so we decided to hang up. It was only seven now, but I was hungry, I thought to myself maybe all that running has made me hungry, so I went to the kitchen and dug into the refrigerator.

The evening passed and night came which meant I had to go to bed. I told my goodbyes and went off to bed, as soon as I laid my head on the pillow I dozed off. After around four hours I heard a commotion breaking in the kitchen, I put on my cardigan and made my way downstairs. I stood at the end of the stairs perplexed, my eyes concentrated on the cardboard box that caught everyone's attention.

Doubtfully I made my way towards the cardboard box and had a peek in. In it was a dead man's hand covered in thick blood holding a letter that had my name it, I felt nauseous and I thought I might puke so I ran to the sink throwing up all the contents in my stomach. My dad reassured me saying it was some bad joke or a prank. He took the box to leave it in the shed and bury it later in the morning.

I hurried to my bed and wished it was only a nightmare but it seemed so real that I could not force it out of my head. So I just decided to watch the television instead. I went downstairs to my bad luck there wasn't any program going on except for the crime investigations. It seemed interesting so I carried on watching it. It was something about a dead hand appearing in delivery packages, when I read the title that confirmed what I heard, a chill ran through my whole body making my heart skip a beat. But curiosity won over fear and I continued to watch it. Towards the middle of the commercial, they showed a box they had found and it was a similar dead hand covered in blood with a letter but this time it was another name tagged on it.

After what I had seen I couldn't sleep more than ever and I was perplexed further and my breathing rate had increased. I decided to switch off the television and opted to read a book instead. I took a book and began reading. As I was reading I heard things rattling and crashing back in the shed. I was frightened but I wanted to also find the cause. I opened the doors and made my way to the shed but stopping on my tracks when I saw the shed door's open.

There was a strange feeling about the shed today, it seemed very damp and I felt claustrophobic. I walked inside and looked around. As I turned to leave, the door closed by itself and I heard someone lock it from the outside, and whoever it was had decided to leave a note before they left. I went for it and decided to pick it up.


Hey! There is also a part 2 coming for this chapter, please share thoughts, vote and share. Also feel free to comment your thoughts about this chapter, it would mean a lot, but it is also okay if you are silent readers. :) :D
Stay tuned to found out what happens....( Silently walks away)

P.s= also thank you for all the reads,comments and votes. Continue to support me ,it truly means a lot

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enjoy the book! ^_^

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