It happened again...

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I scanned the road as my brother and I walked back home. My curiosity was in levels higher than normal, a thousand questions floated through my head, which my brother answered to without any trace of anger, he didn't even show that he knew I was taking advantage of it. I watched in bewilderment as a flock of birds flew by. They seemed to be flying much lower than usual, I could have brought my imagination to place but instead I turned around and ignored it. I shuffled behind my brother like a little duck dawdling, all the while trying to match the big strides he was taking.
"Hey Kentaro, why are the birds flying so low? And they're too quiet!" I whined," ooh I know they are off to hiding! Yees from the giant, they are trying to get away!"
" Really?"

I nodded back. He smiled a warmth in it, with a trace of uncertainty but I was too young to notice. " It's a storm rolling in ... it's nothing and definitely not giants, just a storm..." His voice trailed off.

We continued, muted,all the while I was pondering over what I just learned. A storm was approaching. I remembered the faint memory of how our parents died in a storm but that was a long time ago, since then storms hit our island frequently. This was different though I could feel it in the air ,my curious eyes darting about, I could feel it. I thought of the grave look my brother gave me , when he told me. The dark clouds covered the sky now.

The first strong winds attacked the weaker leaves and trees. I held onto ,y brother's hand afraid. He replied by simply nodded back at me. Thunder clapped and the first drops of rain poured down. The wind only got stronger and stronger, nothing like the first winds. For the first time I noticed other people running in a hurry, desperate to get back home.

"Don't worry!" Kentaro screamed over the wind barely audible . His grip on my hand tightened . He ran forward dragging me along . I ran behind him, struggling to stay on my feet . We were a long way from home but my brother kept screaming words of confidence at me.

Within a few minutes we were completely drenched , I slipped twice but that didn't slow Kentaro . Being a small boy fear had gotten a striping hold of me. The wind whipped back my hair and tore at my clothes. We ran on as thought our lives depended on it and it did! I caught a glimpse of the bridge we had to pass to get back home. The rain was starting to obscure my vision. We were halfway over the bridge, the water flowing underneath was violent.

My brother held onto my shoulders as we crossed, panic was starting to grow although I tried to stay calm, I was small when the storm killed my parents, I could remember nothing of it, only that it was on the same date as today.The strong wind and the violent tides shook the bridge but my brother's grip was firm so was his determination to get us to safety. The trees surrounding the area swayed with the wind but it wasn't a pleasant sight, they could break any minute.

We had almost reached the opposite end when lightning struck a tree . Despit my brother's push to move forward I stood still, rooted to the spot, the shock taking over me. The tree snapped in half for a while it hung onto the tree, I took a step forward, but the strong wind pushed it off the bark. I watched as the tree fell over and onto the bridge.

My brother pushed me out of harms way allowing the tree to collapse over him. I screamed although deep inside I knew I could do nothing. He spoke to me for the last time, " don't worry it's nothing, I don't feel anything," he was lying and I knew it he was in pain, I could see it in his eyes but he still smiled he was trying to give me confidence, he wanted me to be brave," don't think of me. Go! Someone may need you! Go!" His head fell back.

All I could do was scream. He was more than a brother , he took care of me but now he was gone, he was always there but now he was gone. Tears cascaded down my wet cheeks I was afraid I knew nothing. I got up and looked at my brother for the last time ". Thank you..." I whispered.

I ran away until I came across a small girl, crying on her own. I wiped the tears trying to look braver. She could have been at least two years younger to me. She looked up at me , pointing a tiny finger at a house that was crashed. I stopped myself from crying, the storm had brought her to the same situation I was in. I knew that Kentaro was the same age I was when he started taking care of me. I smiled and hugged her, " it's okay... I am here now." Her sobs slowed down. I was going to take my brother's advice. I was going to be like him.

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