Strange and Cold

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Melissa sat crouched in the corner, her eyes glued to the book she was holding. Her eyes scanned the pages, moving across with every line. Her hands held the book firm as if someone was going to reach out and grab it any minute.

"How much longer?" Zack ask with a groan, he stared at Melissa who didn't bother to answer right away.

"Stop crying, I have to finish reading this!" She replied stressing on the word have, she didn't take her eyes off the book once.

Bryan just rolled his eyes and turned to look at the books uninterested. The noise of a lock turning in a door rang out. Zack looked around his face filled with horror, making it seem as though he'd seen a ghost. " we're - st - stuck" he managed to stammer , "and they'll- find us - to- tomorrow or maybe -never-and if they do—" he didn't get to finish, Bryan cut him short, " let me guess detention." His voice remained calm, he showed no overwhelming reaction, "nothing new...well, at least for me." He quickly added noticing the change in Zack's face .

"Done!" Melissa said receiving a small jump from Zack, his eyes wide.

They heard the flipping of pages at the other side of the room, it was coming from the history section. Zack's shoulders tensed. They looked at each other expecting someone to point out what they should do, instead they just kept on staring at each other. Zack finally spoke breaking the silence.
"We should definitely not go there... ummm definitely not!" The other two just stared at him. Bryan let out a teasing giggle, he tried to stop quickly, failing he covered his mouth with his hands making weird noises.Zack continued ignoring the laughter while tears formed in Bryan's eyes.

"You two know the rumor once you come in here at night there is no return!" Bryan erupted into more laughter while Melissa stood there with a blank look on her face. "I'm not kidding some students even claim to have seen things in here,...and there was this one kid who thought he was brave enough...but no one ever saw him again."

"Ohh come on Zack stop believing everything you hear, besides you just said it was a rumor." She ignored the protests that Zack had to give and walked over to the other end towards the noise. She stopped abruptly halfway and stared in utter shock. She turned around and Zack gave a scream.

She burst into laughter," it worked,Oh your such a chicken!" She continued on her tracks.

She stopped dead on her tracks, horror filling her chest it seemed as though her whole body was going numb, none of the parts of her body were obeying her. Zack and Bryan made their way over to her. Zack screamed as he saw what frightened Melissa.

A book was hovering in midair, the pages flipping on its own. Bryan wished he didn't laugh at Zack although he knew it seemed stupid at that time. He looked around desperate to find someone around, anyone who could be pulling off a prank on them. There was no one except for themselves. The three of them broke into a run, not sure where to head to. The headed to the opposite end thinking whatever reading the book would take long to reach them.

They ran to the window which turned out to be locked, Bryan tugged at the edges trying to pull it open but it wouldn't budge. "Open it ! Open it! Fast it's coming! Quick! I don't wanna die!" Zack kept screaming pushing Melissa aside he tugged on the window uselessly.

They put aside the idea of jumping out of the window and took cover behind a cupboard instead." It'll never find us we always get away when we hide here! Yeah?" Zack insisted trying to muster courage . " that was human chase but this is not even close, you get that!" Bryan reminded him,tensed and annoyed at the same time.
"Will you just stop you wanna lead it right to us now !"she snapped, her voice laced with anger.

Zack closed his eyes wishing to get away from all of this, fear enclosed him from all sides like a burning fire he couldn't run away from. It was like falling into a dark abyss of terror not knowing what lay beyond.

They heard someone tapping the shelves with something like a pencil they assumed it was the ghost. Bryan held his breath thinking it would lure away the ghost. The tap-tap-tapping got louder and louder. Melissa fought against risking a glance out of their hiding spot. She couldn't risk it.she couldn't help it but she found a ghost reading a history book funny.

Right then a bee appeared before Zack he let out a shriek and jumped out of hiding , he realized his mistake too late. Bryan and Melissa came after him, they stared at Zack whose eyes were wide in fear, they stared at him.

"Doesn't it seem a little too quiet?" Bryan asked.

The tapping had stopped and the three of them stood still as if that would help them. A pale creature was hovering in midair, so pale you could see right through it. Bryan held his breath again he tried hard to ignore the weird,irritating noises coming from Zack. He willed his hand against punching him on the face.

"Get away from here you ugly creature!" Zack blurted out,regretting as soon as he'd said it. The ghost let out a frightful laughter that sounded somewhere between a cackle and a croak. "Looks like the warning didn't work on a few stubborn kids." It said followed by a cackle.

Bryan rolled his eyes even though he was aware of the consequences, he was angry but couldn't move an inch. Melissa walked towards the unusual creature while Bryan followed close he hind and ZacK stayed back. "What do you want" she asked it.

There was a long pause the ghost didn't answer as if it were thinking, then it finally said, "how about you?"It didn't wait for a reply. It closed in on them and they didn't have anywhere to run this time. Melissa could only stand still while the strange unearthly coldness flooded through her.

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