chapter 19: hiding behind a lie

Depuis le début

"Thank fuck," Can said, red rimmed eyes peering a down at him. With his spare hand he pushed the hair out of Tin's eyes. "The doctor is on her way."

Tin realised he was lying on the sofa, Can kneeling in front of him. He shook his head. "I'm fine, I don't need a doctor." His head throbbed but his vision was fine. "What's happening?" He endeavoured to sit upright and managed it easily, proving his hypothesis that he was fine.

"Your dad called the police and they've just arrested Lhew." Can's expression was full of worry. "And you do need a doctor, you're bleeding."

Tin realised that sound of crying was becoming distant. Ignoring Can's observation about him bleeding he said, "She's even crazier than I'd imagined."

"Tin, darling! Thank goodness you're awake. What drama!" Mother appeared in his line of sight. Tin thought she might actually look concerned if her Botox wasn't hampering her face's efforts. She sighed emphatically and looked at Can who had just got to his feet. "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Rasaa Medthanan, Tin's mother."

"Can Kirakorn."

Mother gave a little cough and looked behind her. "Where has Tul gone?"

"His scheming has been uncovered, I expect he'll have slithered back under his rock," Can said, obviously not caring who he was offering his opinion to.

A suited woman appeared in the doorway before Tin could add his thoughts about Tul's current location. "Where's the patient?"

The next thirty minutes were taken up with the doctor checking his vitals and patching him up. Luckily, he didn't need stitches, it was just a scratch.

Father reappeared and advised that if they wanted to press charges they could, otherwise he could make it all go away. He finished by saying, "I've already got my lawyers filing a restraining order. That individual won't be allowed within a mile of this young man or his baby again."

Tin narrowed his eyes as he studied his father. A restraining order to protect Can and Ren? His mother being polite and introducing herself to Can like she considered him her equal? Perhaps his head injury was worse than he'd realised, Maybe he was in a coma in the hospital and his was just some weirdly surreal dream.

"Thank you, Sir," Can said, letting go of Tin's hand. He turned to him to say, "I need to— I'm just going to find Ren. I'll be right back."

Tin nodded, watching him go, understanding Can's need to reunite with his daughter after what had happened. Hell, Tin wanted the same thing and he wasn't even her father.

"I didn't expect to become a grandmother at thirty-nine," Mother said with a pout and Tin couldn't help his near gape. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm not stupid. You're committed to that boy and he's obviously a package deal."

"You're not going to try to talk me out of it? He's 'poor', and you were trying to fix me up with Nat Noppachorn just a few weeks ago!"

Mother waved her hand dismissively. "I was merely opening the door. I can't make you walk through it." Her voice dropped a couple of decibels and she said, "I just want you to be happy."

Before Tin could respond Can appeared in the doorway holding a beaming Ren on his hip, all signs of her previous distress vanquished. He walked over and sat down next to Tin. Ren immediately leant towards Tin, arms outstretched, and he took her automatically, kissing the top of her head as he settled her onto his lap. Instantly something settled inside him at the comfort of having her in his arms. He'd never imagined it could be possible to love someone as unconditionally as he loved Ren. He wanted her near him, wanted to protect her, nurture her, help to shape the person she would one day become. He wanted to be her father. He slid his spare hand into Can's.

in the hands of fate (a love by chance, tincan, story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant