I saw the result of my 'artwork'. A total of seven fresh strokes. Plus other dry scratches that line up to the forearm. This is why I always wear long sleeves. I have a history of utilizing long things that could help me to cover evidence which made me grow to love them.

These scratches won't kill me. It differed from the one on Jane's neck that took her life. Compared to what she suffered from, this was nothing. If only that evening I didn't dare to report to the police we met on duty, maybe she—

Well. It's 8 strokes now.

If Calvin were here, he would be totally disappointed to see me. But the truth is, I am indeed, a disappointment. Mama and Jane are too good to be my victims. I really shouldn't have existed, I can't have family, friends or dreams. Talking about dream, what dream? Become an illustrator? Mangaka? Artist? PFFFT. I have to dispose of it. Because the fact is, I ended up here. As a professional narcotics courier.

Because of the latest incident, Stef took back his words about teaching me to drive and announced other ultimatum: anyone who helps me escape in any way (including teaching me to drive) will end up like Jane. My chance to flee from here is absolute zero.

Ten strokes in total, it's time to stop and begin my expedition for food. I tiptoed from the corridor to the dining room, hoping for any crumbs left. There's none. Shit. Everything has been gobbled up. My gaze moved everywhere and stopped right at the cupboard. Maybe there is something edible stored there. I cracked a smile faintly at the thougt of a possibility that I don't have to starve tonight. Immediately, I opened its door and found a packet of wafers. My eyes sparkled as if they had discovered a treasure. Without waiting any longer, I put it in my jacket pocket.

I walked on tiptoe as fast as I could to reach my room without anyone noticing. Everything went smoothly, I already arrived in front of my room door. My hand moved to grab the door handle to open it. Then, a sudden pat on my shoulder made my heart jumped out of my chest.

"Hi there, rodents!" she said with a smile. "I saw you sneaking around earlier. Give me back whatever you stole. Besides, It's passed your meal time, hasn't it?" she put both of her hands on her waist.

Panic started to surges through me. "Elena, please. I haven't had anything since yesterday. Please let me off the hook this time, Please." I pleaded with teary eyes.

Her expression changed to pity. She lowered her hands. Her left hand then stroked my upper right arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice. You must be starving, right?" I nodded twice. Her finger wiped the my teardrop that fell without me noticing. "You may take it. Forgive my exaggerated attitude earlier. Enjoy your meal," she said softly.


Her smile showed me some compassion, "Of course, enjoy your meal."

I hugged her. "Thank you El, thank you very much," I said with great joy. She hugged me back. "Good night, El. Have a sweet dream."

"Good night to you too, don't let the bedbugs bite you," she replied.

I entered my room and sat on the edge of the bed. I take out a packet of wafers. Mission Impossible: Succeeded. No need to starve tonight. Thanks to Elena too. I didn't think that Elena would be nice towards me. Considering she's Stef's girlfriend and our first meeting that left a bad impression. Maybe I should stop judging people by my first impressions.

After I finished the luxury I managed to get tonight, I was again startled by a scream right at the door. I came out right away and saw Elena still stood there.

"Please stop, Alessa!" she pleaded, her voice can be heard in this entire corridor. "You don't have to do this to me! I was just asking!" she screamed out of the blue. What's wrong with her? is she possessed?

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