Celesgiri - vampires

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welcome to the final part of spooky szn!! Y'all miss me? I'm not dead, just.. busy. I won't post late like this again, but maybe the timing is okay-ish? if you're going to a party fuck you. enjoy. or not. trick or treat??

Kyoko Kirigiri had always been interested in her classmate, Celestia Ludenberg.

Not in that way, of course. Kyoko just thought that the girls canines were too sharp, and she doubted that the red in Celestia's eyes were from contacts.

Yes, it's exactly how it sounds. Kyoko thinks that Celestia is a vampire. I mean, the evidence was all there! Kyoko had never seen Celestia eat or drink anything other than tea, and her skin was dreadfully pale.

The lavender haired detective was surprised that no one else had noticed. They all acted as if they knew another black haired, red eyed gambler.. but they didn't! Kyoko could think of no one else who fits the description.

The main problem here, is that Kyoko had no idea how to talk to her. How was one supposed to approach a vampire? (a very hot one, specifically.)

Every time Kyoko tried to say something to her, Celestia's gaze stopped her. It was like Celestia was staring into her soul.

But Kyoko wasn't worrying about that right now. Right now, she was in class being assigned a partner for a project. She was hoping she'd be paired with someone like Sakura—or basically someone who wouldn't mess everything up.

"Kyoko with Celestia," The teacher announced.

Oh, great. Kyoko had been paired with the girl she was too scared to speak to. At least Kyoko was sure Celestia wouldn't mess anything up.

Whatever. Kyoko would just have to get over herself until this project is over. There was no way Celestia was a vampire, anyway.

Who was she kidding? Celestia was definitely a vampire! There was no way she wasn't. Kyoko wasn't the ultimate detective for nothing.

While Kyoko was too busy thinking about all of the possible reasons why Celestia could be a vampire, she didn't notice the vampire-in-question approach her.

"Kyoko?" Celestia was standing by Kyoko's desk now.

Suppressing the urge to jump, Kyoko responded. "Yes?" Vampires are kind of hot, she realized.

(A/N: it's just gonna seem like Kyoko has a vampire fetish the entire time so get used to that now xoxo.)

"When shall we begin our project?" Celestia asked.

"This afternoon in one of our dorms? I'm fine with it being mine." The lavender haired girl smiled slightly. No vampire would let a mere human into their room, of course. Kyoko would respect her important vampire space.

"Alright then. I will see you when that time comes." Celestia walked away.

Kyoko died a little bit on the inside. The only vampire she'd ever encountered wasn't even interested in her! Wait, why did she care?

Forgetting about whatever just happened, Kyoko went to go clean her room. It was a little messy, since she'd accidentally woken up late this morning.

What did Celestia think of her? Maybe Kyoko had stared at her for too long and Celestia thought she was weird. Kyoko hoped not.

But why did it matter?? Celestia was a vampire, and vampires were supposed to be scary! Why wasn't Celestia scary?

Kyoko shook her head. Why was she thinking about Celestia? They just had a project to do, that was all.

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