Kaemaki - inside date (request)

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request by   kitkitty11111 . you miss me yesterday? i don't feel like explaining myself, so have a Wednesday chapter. non despair au,, i just barely proofread this.

Majority of Maki's off days were spent with her girlfriend, Kaede. The couple mostly spent time in Kaede's lab, because Maki feared Kaede might hurt herself in her own lab.

Maki enjoyed hearing Kaede play, anyway. Kaede always let her sit on the seat beside her, and Maki liked to see how Kaede's cheeks were slightly red.

However, today, they'd stayed in Kaede's dorm because it was raining.

"Maki, what should we do?" Kaede sighed, playing with Maki's hair. "We can't go to the cafe now.."

"We have coffee and tea here, though. They all taste the same." Maki was finishing up some unfinished classwork she had, so she was tapping her pencil on her paper.

Kaede gasped, making Maki jump a little.

"What's wrong?" Maki asked, looking away from her homework and at Kaede.

"We can have a cafe date here! We've got coffee, tables, chairs, tea.. the essentials." Kaede insisted.

There was no way Maki was going to refuse Kaede. Especially not when they were this close. Kaede was sitting so close to her that their thighs were touching, and her smile was so bright, it could replace the sun.

Maki's cheeks were really red. If Kaede wasn't waiting for a response, she'd probably say something like "You and your uniform are almost identical!" And Maki would respond with "Do you wanna die?" Or something like it.

"Fine. After I finish this." Maki watched as Kaede's smile got brighter. She honestly didn't think it was possible, but Kaede surprised her all the time.

It didn't take long for Maki to finish the rest of her work. She would've gotten it done faster if Kaede hadn't been peeking over her shoulder the whole time, but she chose not to complain. It was nice being so close to Kaede.

"Okay, Maki!" Kaede exclaimed, about to give Maki a presentation on what she'd planned. Maki sat patiently, waiting for her to start.

"So first, we're going to get ready for our 'inside date'! (patent pending,) Next, we're going to make the tea! Or in your case, coffee!" Kaede beamed.

"Then we'll have the date?"

"Correct!" Kaede sat next to Maki. "How do you get ready for our dates, Maki?"

"I put on clothes?" Maki was confused. Of course she was always nervous, but what else could she really do? "What do you do?"

"That can't be all." Kaede frowned for a moment, tapping her chin. "Here, I'll show you how I get ready!" Her smile was back as soon as it'd left, as she grabbed Maki's hand and dragged her into her bathroom.

"First, I brush my hair." Kaede looked at Maki, who was blushing slightly. "Can i brush your hair, Maki?" Kaede's eyes seemed to be sparkling.

".. f-fine." Maki answered sheepishly. Her blush flared up when she saw Kaede go to take out one of Maki's scrunchies.

(A/N: they kinda remind me of sil-,, of silen- never mind.)

"Your hair's so long, Maki!" Kaede exclaimed, brushing out one of Maki's twin tails. "And you're so short.. I think it's cute."

"Do you wanna die?" Maki asked, ready to defend her height. "I-I'm not short, you're just tall!"

"It's okay, Maki." Kaede took Maki's other scrunchie out. "You still have a few years to grow. And if you don't grow anymore, I'll still love you."

Danganronpa girlxgirl one shots!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz