Kirizono - detention

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I found all my stories on Vietnamese website. I think I'm famous tehee No talents, and non despair au. I've read through this a few times, but I didn't really proofread it. Just enjoy it.

Sayaka sighed. She was on her way to the detention room. She hadn't really done anything wrong, though. She screamed because there was a spider in her desk. Was that really bad enough to land her in detention for a week? Her teacher thought so.

Oh, well. Sayaka thought. She had nothing else to do today anyway. While walking through the halls to the detention room, she was alone. She noticed that there was a boy approaching her. She turned the other way.

She'd take the long route if it meant that she didn't have to reject someone again. But she noticed that he was following her. She stopped, and turned around.

"Yes?" She flashed her signature smile.

"Uhm, Sayaka-Chan.." The boy smiled back at her. Sayaka was already fed up.

"Please call me Maizono." Sayaka's smile didn't fade.

"Uh, yeah. Maizono-Chan." He took Sayaka's hands in her own. "Please go out with me! I know you've rejected all of the other boys that have confessed, but I promise I-"

"I'm sorry, (random boy name), I'm just not interested.." Sayaka's smile slightly faded, "I have to be a detention now.." Sayaka slipped out of his grasp, and speed walked to the detention room. She sat down, and saw that the only other person in the room was the student council president, Kyoko Kirigiri.

Kyoko Kirigiri was truly a beauty. Her hair was lavender-colored, and her eyes matched perfectly. Her face seemed to be eternally neutral. No one had ever seen her smile, but on occasion, she frowned.

When anyone asked her why she never smiled, she frowned and replied, "No reason to."

Sayaka thought she was cute. Cute in an 'I'd love to date you' kind of way. Sayaka knew that she was attracted to girls. After being asked out by so many boys, she lost interest in them entirely. She'd always had a thing for Kirigiri anyway.

"Hiiii, Kirigiriiii-Chaan!~" Sayaka smiled at Kyoko. They'd went to the same school since they were kids, so they'd definitely heard of each other before.

"You're late." Kirigiri scoffed.

"I'm sorry! I ran into- er, something on the way here." Sayaka almost frowned, thinking about what'd happened just minutes ago.

"Don't let it happen again." Kirigiri reprimanded, keeping that same stone cold look on her face.

Sayaka nodded and grabbed her book. Detention was really just an hour of reading, and Sayaka hated it. She'd never been a 'reading' type person. Still, in order to avoid Kirigiri's glare, she read. (Or pretended to read) Kirigiri sat at the teachers desk, looking over some paperwork.

After an hour had passed, Kirigiri told Sayaka to leave.

"Why can't we stay and chat? I'll be coming back all week." Sayaka shoved her book into her bag and stood at the other side of Kirigiri's desk.

Kirigiri sighed. "What'd you even do?"

"I'm not telling." Sayaka smiled mischievously. She wasn't going to tell Kirigiri because it was a little embarrassing.

"Maizono-San, please leave." For the first time in a while, Kirigiri's eyes met Sayaka's.

"Call me Sayaka, and I'll leave."

"No. Goodbye, Maizono-San."

"I won't leave." By now, Sayaka was resting her head on the desk.

Kirigiri let out another sigh, but this one seemed to be full of a lot more frustration. "Bye, Sayaka-San."

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