Inhale Exhale Shoot.

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I walk over to the crowd of initiates.

"Today we will be shooting guns. Most of you aren't ready to hold anything close to a paintball gun. Prove me wrong." Four says.

"Are they gonna be real?" some amity guy asks.

"One, they are right there on that table. Two, we're in dauntless. Why the hell would he give you fake ones? What? Do you think we're gonna give you ones with plastic bullets or even better, a bubble gun?"

The guy just slouches and hides himself in the crowd.

"Everyone grab a gun." he instructs.

Everyone scrambles to the table, as if they will disappear any second. I place one in the palm of my hand.

The black metal is cool on my skin. It shines and reflects the light as I turn it to examine its features. It's beautiful. How could something that could end someone's life in just a matter of seconds be so glorious.

I am immediately ashamed for such thoughts over a weapon that is so violent and deadly. Though, it is pretty.

"Okay! Listen up! I'm not gonna repeat myself." Four says then stands across one of the targets.

"Don't forget. This is a live gun. You will feel the feedback after the release. Because of feedback you need to be careful. If you don't handle it properly you will punch yourself in the face, hard. when you shoot you must allow your arms to "soak" in the power that is being pushed back. If it's too much for you then keep your arms straight and allow the force to push it over your head. That's it, start shooting."

I spread my feet out then hold the gun in front of me. My fingers click the bullet into place then find the trigger. Without thinking, I close my eyes and shoot. The shock of the weapon forces my eyes open again. I stare at the target, searching for my bullet hole but it's not there. I look around and see two holes in the person to my right's target. Well, I know where it is. They are right in the center of the bullseye. I smile in accomplishment.

"Don't celebrate yet, Stiff. Not so sure it'll do you good if you kill the person next to your enemy. Maybe you just kill an innocent person." He says pointing to a target with his gun.

"Dauntless don't give guns to idiots so stop handling it like one." Four says.

I laugh. "But careful where you shoot. The idiot was right for once." he says as he walks towards me.

"Hold your gun in front of you. Arms straight but not locked, feet shoulder width apart, one slightly in front of the other." I scramble to make all the adjust at the same pace he instructs them.

"Inhale, exhale, shoot." he says.

This time when I shoot if feels rhythmic. However, it also feels like a flow of movements leading up to victory. I guess that's what it is because when I see my bullet hit right on the line of the circle of the bullseye, a sense of pride washes through me.

"Nice try, Stiff. I'm sorry you didn't make the center of the bullseye." Peter says as he gestures, yet again, with his gun to his target.

That little bitch. Why does he hate me so much?

Thanks for reading! Sorry it's short. I've been having a bit of a writer's block.

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