A perfectly shaped brow rose underneath Jimin's faded lavender locks. He reached out and tapped Yoongi's shoulder- immediately capturing the man's attention with the simple gesture. Jimin raised his hands and made movements like writing something down on a paper, which made Yoongi immediately pull out his yellow notebook and offer it to him. Jimin plucked the pen out of pink uniform and wrote down on the paper before pushing it into Yoongi's face.

'You can cook?'

Yoongi hummed and gently pushed the paper away from his face, "Cooking is what keeps me grounded, it's something that doesn't allow me to float away and lose my touch with reality. A lot of gang members never find the thing that helps them not lose themselves along the darkness of this lifestyle, hence why they end up being a victim to drugs, alcohol, prostitution, or even killing. To some people it may be a person, a place, a pet, but for me it's cooking." Yoongi informed Jimin without looking at him. His tone was soft and fingers looked skilled as he poured some kimchi into a fried pan and turned it onto medium.

Jimin pursued his lips and wondered what was the thing that allowed him to stay grounded. But the more he thought about it, the more he realised that he never needed to stay in touch with reality, nor did he ever drift away from it. Ever since Jimin was introduced to the gang lifestyle, Jimin never wondered what would his life outside the gang be like or what else he could be doing, because this was the thing he was supposed to do. Jimin was completely and utterly in love with this life and being an assassin.

Yoongi's hand gripped a sharp cutting knife and a smile was painted over his lips as he cut an onion. He allowed Jimin to think for a few more minutes while he was cutting the onion, but as he put down the knife and threw the onions into the pan with the kimchi, Yoongi spoke up, "How about you tell me about you and your life as a Kitty gangster? I've heard quite a lot of things about you, and I have to admit...it's impressive." Yoongi chuckled, placing a lid over the pan and walking over to Jimin to stand between his legs.

Jimin rose a brow back at him and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's shoulder, pulling Yoongi even closer until his hips touched the metal counter. Jimin played with the baby hairs on the base of Yoongi's neck, all while observing him with narrowed eyes and pursued lips. It was a bit weird that Yoongi was asking him these questions, but he just brushed it off with an excuse that it was just paranoia and defence mechanism from his training in The Kitty gang.

With an over-exaggerated sigh, Jimin unhooked his arms from Yoongi's shoulders and picked up his notebook, 'My mother was a whore, literally. She always loved to keep up her reputation and, in her mind, the only way she could do that was by having the perfect house, perfect car, perfect appearance. But she was a slob and didn't want to work hard for anything. So, instead, she prostituted herself out to different men everyday until she finally got pregnant with me! Yay!'

Jimin ripped the paper off and pushed it into Yoongi's hand- feeling a thread of anger pushing through the seams of his heart as his fingers scribbled everything down on the notepad, 'She wanted to get an abortion since children were too expensive, but since she was small and thick, the pregnancy was barely noticeable and when she did notice, it was already too late. Surprisingly she was a bad mother, who would've thought? But despite all the degradation and emotional abuse, the last straw was when she needed money and she tried to prostitute me out to an old, nasty man when I just turned 18. Then I planned to kill her by messing with her car, only for her to actually have friends and pick up Tae and his mom that day, which resulted in them too getting into a car accident with her.'

'Thankfully Taehyung was alright and Jessi showed up just in time to recruit us both into the gang. Turns out Jessi had been keeping an eye on me because someone told her about my situation, and she decided to take Taehyung along after the accident. Boom. That's how we joined the gang!" A devilish smirk now danced along Jimin's face and his eyes shimmered with satisfaction. He watched Yoongi carefully as the older male read over the notes with furrowed brows and a frown.

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