Chapter 27

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(By helping I mean coming up with this brilliant idea and writing amazing parts)

This one is dedicated to all of you beautiful people for changing your icon to your face, and also to those who didn't want to do it, because I bet you're absolutely beautiful too.

I love you.


Ashton looked at Luke with a horrified expression, not even knowing what to say.

"I-those are panties."

"I'm so s-"

"Those are panties."


"Ashton, those are panties."


"I've never been this turned on in my whole entire life."

Nothing else happened that night, besides the fact that all of the boys made fun of Luke and Ashton when they both came down with swollen red lips.


Ashton stared at the clock for the 14th time that night, refusing to believe that Luke wasn't coming.

Until it's been 2 hours.

He refused to believe that Luke wasn't showing up, he knew he would just be a little late.

But 2 hours late?

Maybe something happened.

Michael didn't answer his phone.

Louis and Harry haven't heard from him since yesterday.

So of course, his last hope is Calum.

After an awkward phone call and Calum saying he hasn't heard from Luke, he offered to drive Ashton over there to see Luke, which Ashton agreed to.

And so they went, of course, having problems with the radio.

"I swear all they play is stupid pop music," Calum groaned, switching the station.

He was hardly even paying attention to the road!

Calum's eyes lit up at the sound of Patrick's voice, immediately relaxing back into his seat.

By the time they pulled into Luke's driveway, it was almost dark outside.

Ashton followed Calum into the house, finding it a bit weird how he didn't knock, just walks in. That's rude!

"Luke?" Ashton called, hearing music blasting from inside of Luke's room.

For fucks sake, more Fall Out Boy.

He cautiously walked up the steps, but Ashton smelled something lingering in the air.

He knows that smell.

It's pot.

Ashton's pace quickened, before he pushed open Luke's door.

Sitting on Lukes bed was a guy with black hair and slightly tan skin that Ashton had never met, and Luke himself.

And they were smoking!

The two boys immediately looked up, the fear obvious in Luke's eyes, worried that it was Liz who caught them.

"Oh, Heyyyy Ashton! how are youuuuuu?" Luke giggled.

"Luke w-what are you doing? Who is this?" Ashton almost whispered.

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